14. The set up

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"Good, you actually came." Uma said as she saw Ben walking on the docs.
"Hi?" Ben said and he saw that Gil glared at Harry, who smirked.
Bem kinda had the feeling that Gil didn't know he was coming.
"Good, catch!" Harry said as he tossed something to Ben, who did catched it but lost balance and fell straight backwards.
"Ben!" Gil said with worries before bursting out in laughter.
"Oh ha-ha..." Ben said as he got up but then he pictured how it must've looked and he chuckled briefly.
"Come on, I found the perfect place to start the bonfire." Uma said and Ben eyed at her.
"Yes, it is somewhere legal." she said as she rolled her eyes.
"Great." Ben said and Harry grinned softly as the four of them went to Uma her 'legal' place.

It was a place on the isle, but thanks to the breakdown of the barrier... there were actually green plants and the lake was no longer poisoned thanks to authorities.
"Ben, you think you can get the fire started?" Harry asked and Gil shoved some logs to the place where they could sit on.
"Uh... I've never done that before." Ben admitted.
"It's not that hard, Gil could help you." Uma said and Gil looked up.
"Just show Ben how it's done." Harry said before Gil could protest.

After a moment of awkwardness, the fire was burning and Uma smirked at Harry.
"Should we wait a minute... or?" she whispered and Harry wrapped his arm around her, letting her know that they should go for it.
But as Uma wanted to say something, Ben already did.
"So what did you guys wanted to do next? I kinda got to go in a few hours. I promised Chip to help him with his homework tonight..."
"How about truth or dare?" Uma replied and Ben sighed.
"I'm not going to like your version on it, am I?"
"Oh definitely not." Harry said with a chuckle and Uma swatted him.
"If you wanna skip a truth or a dare, you have to drink this. It's the goblin mix from my mom's fish and chips shop. Only Harry's sister Harriette can drink it without throwing up." Uma said as she got a bottle of a weird brown-green liquid out of her bag.
Even Gil shuddered a bit by seeing the bottle.
"So who goes fist?" Harry said.
"Gil's been awfully quiet. Truth or dare?" Uma said and Gil looked at her.
"Eh... Truth?"
"Playing it safe huh?" Harry said with a smirk.
"Hush." Uma snarled.
"Oh god..." Ben mumbled.
"Gil, have you ever... kissed a king?" Uma said with a sly smile and Ben looked away as Gil answered.
"No... I didn't."
"Liar." Harry spit.
"Not! Uma asked if I kissed a king. Not the other way around-- shit."
"So...." Uma said and Ben ķept staring at his feet, Harry told Uma. Otherwise she would've not asked.
"You think this is funny?" Ben snarled as he saw Uma smirk.
"What do you mean?" Uma asked innocently while Harry kinda knew they were doing it wrong.
"Nevermind. Forget this." Ben said as he got up and Gil looked at Uma and Harry.
"Why did you guys really asked Ben to come along...?" he asked softly and Harry looked at Uma.
"Well eh..."
"You guys are the worst." Gil fired and he went after Ben.
"...in a way it did work?" Uma tried and Harry sighed.
"Yea and is now mad at us."
"He is my bestfriend. I met him years before I even knew you existed..."
"What are you trying to say? You wanted to set them up too."
"Well I figured you'd be kore subtle then I would've been. But of course not, not when you should've been."
"Oh so now I'm-"
"Can you guys cut it out!?" a voice yelled and both of them turned to see Ben with Gil behind him, looking like a lost and scared puppy.
"Neither of you even cared that Gil left while being upset, you just start arguing about who's the worst!" Ben shouted and Harry glanced at Gil, seeing he was actually scared by the two of them and their fighting.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" Uma fired back and Harry looked at her in shock.
"What the hell? That guy is right and you say that?" he said and Uma her eyes spit fire.
"So you're saying I'm wrong once again? Well screw you!" she yelled before storming off and Harry sighed as he closed his eyes.
"For fuck sake..." he mumbled.
"...are you okay?" Gil asked and Harry looked at him.
"I'm sorry for tonight... But I have to go after Uma, before she burns my stuff which is in her cabin..."
Gil chuckled briefly buy nodded, then after Harry left he realised that Ben was still standing there with his fists clenched thanks to adrenalin.
"...Ben?" he asked softly and then he saw how Ben's eyes slowly turned dark red.
"...oh-oh." Gil said shortly.

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