11. Oh sweet mother of god...

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Harry was on his was back to the Hook house as he heard rumours about Ben being in the pub nearby.
"Ben... In a pub... drinking alcohol? Yea right..." Harry scoffed, yet he felt this annoying feeling that he should check up on him.
Harry groaned softly but did go there to see if Ben was really drinking there.

And yes, Harry did find Ben at the bar in the pub. With many empty glasses next to him and a few filled ones too.
"If all those glasses are yours, I think you've had enough..." Harry said.
Ben turned and looked up.
"...wanna join?" he asked and Harry chuckled briefly as reply.
"Let's get you outta here, you'll hate uourself in the morning otherwise."
"Joke's on you. I'll hate myself in the morning regardless." Ben said as he downed his 15th drink.
"Alright, you might be right there. Still, your mom--"
"She's dead alright. Don't envoke her."
"Then maybe act like you still care what she would think instead of sitting here feeling shitty avout yourself."
"So everyone else can hate me, but I can't hate myself?"
"Get up, I'll help you to sober up."
"No thanks..." Ben said... and that was drink number 16.
Harry sighed and rubbed a hand over his face.
"Look sorry for bringing your mom up... But you should stop drinking right now. Because I can tell that you're very drunk."
"Wanna know a secret?" Ben said and Harry groaned.
"Can you just listen for a damn second and put that drink down." Harry said as Bem held the 17th one in his hand.
"I kissed Gil during the Valentinesday Gala..." Ben said and Harry's jaw hit the floor.
First of all, he didn't see it coming.
Secondly, Gil didn't even tell him.
"Wanna know the worst part?" Bem continued and Harry looked at him.
"I thought he liked me... And I think I'm in love with him... But I guess he hates me now like everyone else." Ben said and finished drink 17 regardless.
Harry felt himself ache, knowing he told Gil to stay away from Ben for a little while... knowing how badly Gil wanted to talk to Ben.
"Actually... he doesn't hate you, at all... I told him to stay away from you for now... With all this going on. And I have tried to tell him in the past when you two started to hang out more... since you were with Mal and everything..." Harry said and he also felt like he needed a drink now.
Strangely enough, Ben could tell and passed him one.

The next thing they knew was that they both were wayyy too drunk and Harry had texted Uma a little while ago, who arrived wirh fire in his eyes. Taking both boys back to the ship, forcing them to drink water and perhaps taking an aspirin.... trying to sober them up.
She wasn't pissed that they were drinking together. She was pissed that they drank so much. And especially when Harry told her a bit of what they talked about.
Yes, he also spoiled the secret of Gil's crush on Ben and that Ben kissed Gil during the Valentinesday Gala.
"What the actual fuck!?" Uma snarled and she rubbed a hand over her face, trying to figure out what would be best right now...

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