5. Being there for you

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Gil sat down against the wall of the back of the school.
He cared a lot about his bunny and a part of his actually thought for a minute that Harry opened tha cage after he left. Even if it was put of anger. Because he knew for certain that he closed it.
"I'm sorry about all that... Are you okay?" a voice asked and Gil looked up, seeing Ben standing five feet away from him.
"I don't know..."
"Mind if I sit?" Ben asked as he motioned to the free spot(s) next to Gil.
"Oh- Go ahead." Gil said and Ben did sit down.
"I'm really sorry that yiur bunny got ran over by a car. You guys barely had any animals on the isle and then you get a pet here... And then this happens..."
"We basically had cursed creatures on the island... or rats, mice, snakes and very mean cats..."
"Oh dear..."
"Let's say the first tree would really freak me out..."
"Well then you shouldn't look there." Gil said as he pointed at a rat which was coming closer.
But of course Ben did look and he jumped up in fear.
"AAHH!" he almost screamed and Gil jumped up too, trying not to laugh as he catched the rat.
"There you go, no need to fear-- Ah!" Gil said as the rat bit his finger.
"Mean rat!" Gil snarled and Ben couldn't help but chuckle briefly.
"Maybe get rid of it-? And then we should probably get you a doctor since you got bitten by a disgusting wild rat."
"Getting rid of it, as in killing it?"
"I mean--"
"But look at those eyes he's cute- ah! And bitingly." Gil said and Ben jumped backwards when Gil showed him the rat.
"Gil please I'm serious!" Ben almost begged and Gil decided to walk to stab some holes in a box and put the rat in it.
"I won't kill it." he stated.
"Then please make sure the box stays shut." Ben said and Gil grabbed some ducktape which he had in his locker, he nicked it from one of the handywork classrooms.
"Good. Now we're going to the school nurse for the two bite wounds, maybe she can help." Ben said and Gil nodded.
"Y'know on the isle we dumped alcohol on it and if the skin didn't turn black, it was good..."
"That's an awful thing."
Gil shrugged and they continued to walk to the school nurse.

"Can you hold this for a minute?" Gil asked Ben as he had to sit down and show the bite wounds to the school nurse.
"...are you kidding me right now?" Ben mumbled softly and he was holding the box with one finger underneath it and one finger on top of it. Holding it as far away as possible.
"That should do it. The wounds weren't that deep." the school nurse said and Ben handed the box back to Gil as quickly as he could.
"Glad you're okay, now can we please do something about that bloody rat?"
"...I could release it in the woods?"
"Or we go to a very nice vet who will give the rat a little injection and then-"
"Not. Killing. It."
"Fine but keep it away from me." Ben said and Gil couldn't help it but to take the rat out of the box and to show it to Ben.
"Oh cone on, it's sweet."
"Just hold it and you'll see." Gil said as he tried not to laugh.
"Hell no! And get that thing away from me! I mean it!"
"Okay, okay. I'll go set it free in the woods. I'll send you a video as proof."
"But you don't have my number." Ben said and Gil took his phone oit of his pocket as he was holding the box with the rat with his other arm.
"May I have your number then?" he asked and he unlocked his phone for Ben.
"Yea, of course." Ben said as he felt that he was calming down a bit.

If only... {💯%}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz