The neighbors

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Ever since I was a baby. My family just couldn't stand the Grievers. You see it all started in the hospital , my mother was in labor and my father rushed her to the hospital, luckily her contractions were hardly painful for her, but that didn't stop my dad from freaking out.

Coincidentally, Mrs.Griever was in labor at the same time, but unfortunately for her...

" AHHHHHHHH" Mrs. Griver screamed.

....her pains were far more painful .

The hospital placed my parents in a room right next to the Grievers.

"Honey are you ok do you need anything I can get you some ice, whatever you need I'll get it for you I'm right here," my dad asked frantically.

" oh no honey I'm fine really, the doctor said I'm doing great and I feel perfectly-"

" AHHGGHHHHH" Mrs.Griever screams interrupted from the room next door.

" ......fine" my mom finished.
" don't worry about me all I need is you here," my mother continued.
" then here is where I'll stay," my father said.

Whilst in the Grievers room there wasn't much smooth sailing for them. Probably cause Mrs Griever had to push out that big headed baby.

Mr. Griever whimpered as Mrs.Griever held his hand in a death grip.

" Maybe I can get you a cup of ice" Mr. Griever said while trying to pull away.

"UhggAHHHH, YOU ARE NOTT LEAVING ME HERE TO PUSH OUT A BABY YOU PUT IN ME!!" she said while squeezing his hand even harder.

" AHHHGH, fine fine fine, I'll stay here," Mr. Griever said while secretly praying for an escape.

When I was finally born, I was put in the nursery along with a couple of other babies.

" oh she is so precious," my mom said while looking as close as she can to the window.

" she sure is" my father agreed.

The Grievers walked up next to my parents at the window.

" excuse me can you get out the way your blocking the window," Mrs. Griever said with a rude attitude.

" oh I'm sorry" my mom and father moved out of the way.

" such a bitch" my Mother whispered under her breath.

" EXCUSE ME!" Mrs. Griever said.

" what we already moved, how much space do you need," my dad said with an aggravated tone.

" hey don't talk to my wife like that !" Mr. Griever said.

" Or what" my dad said while standing his ground.

" don't even worry baby we're leaving" my mom said.

" good! I was getting sick of your hippie asses anyways"Mrs. Griever said while turning back to the window.

"And that's exactly why I called you a bitch"  my mother said while walking away.

And that's how our families met, unfortunately it wouldn't be long before they ran into each other again.

                      -DRAVEN GRIEVER-

Once I was ready to leave the hospital my parents took me to our new home. They payed it in full so we were going to be living here for a really long time. To my parents it was a dream to be living here and starting a new family in this house. Well until it wasn't.

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