I narrowed my eyes, "don't lump me in with their exes who never even lived this long. Nonetheless put up with Klaus' bullshit."

"But you are damaged, Dani. You used to have so much potential. Now look at you. Stress alone has clearly aged you. My brother whom you claim to love, cares for another. And that has pushed you so far away, you're flirting with Jackson who is married! You're relationship with Klaus is going nowhere and you know it. He hasn't turned you, hasn't knocked you up, hasn't married you... Face it, you're another play thing who got played by Niklaus Mikaelson. You're not even special in that way. And I feel sorry for you, because this life is going to get you killed. I've only ever been mean to you, for your sake. I hoped to run you out of town so you wouldn't end up heartbroken or dead. I liked you. But you're just too stupid for your own good—"

Elijah was suddenly awake, tackling Rebekah to the table. Klaus glanced up at me. "Don't listen to her, love. She's out of her mind," he told me and I nodded. "I'm in love with you. Irrevocably. Infinitely."

I nodded again, "I love you too."

Klaus smiled at me before moving to help Elijah keep Rebekah pinned to the table. I stopped leaning against the railing and went to Hayley's room to check on Hope who was on the floor, gnawing on the wooden knight that was centuries old. A toy Klaus carved for his psycho sister downstairs.

"Hi, Princess," I cooed, picking Hope up.


I smiled, "yes, da-da is here."

"Da-da! Da-da! Da-da!" She yelled, bouncing in my arms impatiently. I frowned trying to sooth her. Now was not a good time and she couldn't have her father. He was preoccupied with something she shouldn't see.

"Babe, you need to settle down," I sighed. "Daddy's busy. He'll be up here soon. Why don't we get you changed into a pretty dress?"

Hope cried loudly as I carried her to her nursery. It would be dinner time soon. The Mikaelson sisters would be fine, I'm sure. Therefore it was time to celebrate Christmas.


Tuesday, December 25th
4:51 PM

I pursed my lips as I heard the sound of the bedroom door opening and closing. I continued to do my makeup with the few things I had in my purse. "Love?" Klaus called out.

I rolled my eyes, "In here." A couple second later he was leaning in the doorframe of the en suite. I finished applying my mascara before looking at him through the mirror. "What do you want?" I asked him. "How's Camille? Did you run and check on her after Rebekah hurt her feelings?"

"You're mad," he stated. I shook my head in disbelief. Of course I was mad! I grabbed my blush and used my fingers to apply it. "I had to go. She could have been—"

"Could have? So she didn't call you because she was in danger? You just chased after her the minute I was gone,  because you were worried, huh?"

Klaus sighed. "Yes."

"I can't do this anymore, Klaus," I stated, turning to face him now. "I'm sick of you telling me what I want to hear and making promises you don't intend to keep."

"I do," he retorted. "Today was the last day. She's going home tonight. I swear to you."

"I don't believe you."

Klaus frowned, "why would I lie about that?"

"Because that's what you do," I snapped. "You lie to me. All the time. You withhold information to get away with doing things I don't like. I'm sure Camille is leaving tonight. But I'm also sure you'll see her tomorrow. Because you can't leave her alone. You've made that abundantly clear."

I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now