e i g h t e e n [Breezeblocks]

Start from the beginning

"Let's go home." Ryker said, placing an arm around my waist.


3 Weeks Later

2 AM

Henley's cries filled the room, and it stirred me from my sleep. She has been crying almost every night at this exact time for no reason. She wasn't hungry, she didn't need to be changed, she didn't want her pacifier, she wasn't too cold or hot; it was nothing.

I heard something clamber to the floor and I sprang out of bed. I saw the shadows moving quickly so I smacked Grey and Ryker awake, and they were immediately on their feet. They searched the room as I went to the crib.

I saw Henley in there, crying her head off. I gently picked her up and held her close to my chest. I placed kisses to her hair as she cuddled close to me and her cries quieted. Grey and Ryker continued to check the room, but found nothing. They turned on the lights, and we saw black footprints.

There was a trail that started from the middle of the room, and went straight to the crib. Tears jumped to my eyes at the thought of someone trying to take our baby. Why in the world would someone want to steal our precious baby?

Suddenly, the black footprints started to vanish right before our eyes. I saw Grey shake his head and run his hands through his hair. Ryker and I stared at him in confusion.

He punched the wall, his arm muscles bulging under his white t-shirt. Henley started crying from the loud noise.

"Grey! Knock it off!" I scolded him, trying to calm Henley down. I started swaying in place, putting the pacifier back in her mouth. She started sucking on the pacifier and gazed up at me, her beautiful blue eyes peaking up at me.

"What's wrong?" Ryker asked, completely focused on Grey.

"It's the Blue Havoc Pack." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"How? Why? Grey, please explain."

"Those black footprints are from shadow travel. The only people who have ever completely mastered shadow travel are from the Blue Havoc Pack. I know this because I did a shit ton of research on them when they took you guys." My eyes started to water, and my hand flew to my mouth.

They wanted my baby. They wanted our baby. They were trying to take her away from us.

"Why...why would they want our baby?"I choked out, a few tears falling. Henley snuggled closer to me, her blue eyes still gazing up at me. I placed as many kisses as I could to her forehead, my tears lightly hitting her.

Why would they want to take away my precious baby? I had just gotten her. It has taken so long to get her, why would they want to rip her from my grasp?

"I don't know, Holland. But we need to have a meeting. And you are not leaving our sight. Grab your stuff. Let's go." I quickly grabbed a blanket for me, and a smaller blanket for Henley before following Grey and Ryker down the long hallway. They banged on doors, shouting commands and orders to follow them.

We finally made it to their office, and it was filled with the protectors and warriors of our pack. Every single man had their attention solely focused on the four of us as we stood in front of them. Grey looked at what I was wearing, and ordered me to wrap the blanket around me. I looked down and saw that I was only wearing a t-shirt and panties. I handed Henley to him, wrapped the blanket around my waist and secured it, before grabbing Henley again. I placed a kiss to her little lips and she gave me a small smile before closing her beautiful eyes again.

"I have gathered you all here because we have had a breach in our security." A little murmur broke out but soon died down. "The Blue Havoc Pack is trying to rip us apart again. And we will not let them this time. Grey and I are Alpha's now, and we will not let anything happen. But we need your help."

"The Blue Havoc Pack knows how to shadow travel. One of them has done that tonight, and they tried to steal our baby. In order to ensure that nothing happens to our baby, our Luna, and our pack, we need to be high alert for the next few months. I want double the patrol. Security cameras will be installed, and we have people watching them around the clock. I understand that this is a pain, but we need to know that our people are safe; especially our new child and Luna." Grey paused to throw me a little smile. I kissed Henley's head before giving him a little smile back.

"We need everyone's cooperation in order for this to work. We will have another meeting tomorrow evening to work out the logistics. We are so sorry to rouse you from your sleep. But can we have a few guards watching us for the rest of the night?" More than a few men volunteered, and they let me pick out five of them.

I picked Lenord, Pablo, Alexander, Ace, and Jack. Everyone else left the room, and not one of them complained. I think they really do respect the two of them.

When we got back to the room, I placed Henley in the crib, and pulled the crib as close to the bed as I could. Before I could climb into bed, Grey and Ryker grabbed my wrists. Grey stood in front of me while Ryker stood behind me.

"How can I help you gentlemen?" I asked. Grey bent down and placed a kiss to my lips before Ryker turned my head and placed a kiss to my lips.

"We love you dearly, Holland." They both said in sync. I narrowed my eyes at them before grabbing Grey's face and pulling his face down to mine. I smashed my lips to his, and kissed him with everything I had in me. I released his face before grabbing Ryker's and doing the same to him. They both stared at me in shock.

"I love you Ryker. I love you Grey. Now let's get to bed." I moved out from between the two, and teasingly bent over Henley's crib to make my butt stick out.

"Goodnight Henley. I love you so much baby girl." I placed a kiss to her forehead and stood straight up. I felt Ryker run his hand over my butt before placing a light smack to it.

"I think you deserve a spanking for the way you just teased me." He whispered in my ear. I licked my lips, and felt my core heating up.

"Maybe tomorrow." I said, my hand trailing down his chest. I quickly jumped into bed and buried myself under the covers. I peeked my head out and saw Grey and Ryker starting at me in disbelief.

"It's bedtime, misters. Get in bed." I said, patting the sides next to me. They sighed before crawling into bed. They both placed kisses to Henley's forehead before placing kisses to my forehead. We all laid down, me on Ryker's chest and Grey spooning me from behind.

I heard the door open and saw Ace and Jack stand at one of the windows that we have in our room.

"Goodnight Alphas. Goodnight Luna." They nodded at us.

"Goodnight." All three of us muttered before dozing off to sleep, feeling safer than we did before.



2,375 words.

I am sooooooooooo fucking sorry guys. I have honestly had the worst writers block ever. And I also have three jobs, and graduation is at the end of this month.


I will write a story about us soon. He makes my heart hurt oh my word.

Okay guys! I wrote this chapter for you because i thought you guys were going to kill me hahaha. I hope you enjoyed it!!!!

I just love the name Henley oh my word. It's a kickass name.


Vote. Comment. Add. Share. Love you guys.


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