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Lea was an ordinary 20 year old guy but he doesn't live in a ordinary place. lea lived in what once was called New York, you see lea was born in the year 2022 one year before beginning of the console war. you may be asking what happened to reduce New York to ash. well in 2026 Microsoft declared war on all the rest of the world and using the low level radiation in there xboxes the Assembled a atom bomb and launched it at the United States. luckily they sent missiles at it before it had landed destroying it mid flight. sadly the blast released huge red radioactive cloud that covered most of the planet. Over time the cloud dispersed but the planet was permanently scarred. Though it was a struggle people tried to rebuild but Microsoft released more missiles reducing the world to a scorched wasteland. but amidst the chaos...lea was born. Lea was a normal kid born in a PlayStation base, at the age of 5 lea's life changed forever...during a attack on lea's base his parents were killed by a falling chunk of concrete. lea barely escaped with his life but from that day lea was alone. At 12 lea used his first cyber-sword he was taught that a cyber-sword had many uses, such as x will shift it into a sword, circle a cannon, square a anchor and triangle a whip. he was also told that there was several combos that would unleash powerful secondary function. At 14 lea met his best and only friend he was out gathering information one Microsoft's next big plan when lea saw a huge crowd of Xboxers. They were crowded around a wounded teen barely still on his feet. " HIT THE DECK"shouted lea, the Xboxers looked confused but the teen dropped to the ground as lea sliced the all Xboxers clean in half with his razor whip. lea approached the boy and extended his arm to help the boy up. the boy thanked lea and told him his name was Oliver and from that day on the pair had each other's backs. Oliver was a rather shy guy he never wanted to be part of the war but he knew that the only way to end the war was to do his bit to stop it. the main thing they had in common was Oliver was alone too,Oliver's dad died on the front lines before he was born and his mother died when Oliver was born. lea and Oliver were a team together they could do anything they took on armies of Xboxers...and won.

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