Chapter 21

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(y/n) pov:

Shit... My head hurts

Wait where am I?

What the hell happened to me

I slowly blink my eyes to see a silver ceiling. I looked around the place though I seem to be in some kind of a room, there's no windows, theres only a light hanging from above, it was quiet dimly lit.

I move to get up but as soon as I do so I am held back by something cold on my wrist's i look down to see huge metal or steel looking cuffs on both my hands and legs which are connected to sockets in the metal wall.

What is this fuckin place? I try to use my quirk but it's no use nothing works I slump down in defeat.

The floor is quite cold, damn. I stay there for what feels like 10 hours trying to figure out why and what this place is but I can't seem to remember. All I remember is looking into baku-

I pull at my restraints franticly as if my life depends on it, which it accually does. Loud noises of steel hitting the floor fill the room as I pull and push that the cuffs but nothing works, my hands and legs start to bleed.

I jump in surprise the door slams open scaring me, but my shock is soon replaced with fear as I look up at the three villains surrounding me.

"Well hello there, you fuckin finally awake!". The light blue haired male says as he scratches his neck.

"She really the one who holds the quirk like His." the male with purple scars talks up, looking at me with a discussed expression as if I'm some sort of rotting piece of flesh. but he looks like rotting flesh i think to myself.

His? Him? Who is this person?

"Well let's not waste anymore time shall we?". The tall man says. I look up at them.

"Im not going to go with any of your shitty plans and ideas. If that's what you were planning." I state. Venom dripping of every word.

"oh yes typical. Anyways, I'm Shigaraki, this is Dabi and kurogiri." Shigaraki smiles wickedly.

"Bring her"

My eyes widen as the two men approach me. I start thrashing around, in the process kicking them.

They then drag me to another metal looking room, while I still had the cuffs on. I struggled even more as they strap me to an experiment table

were they going to torchure me?

Before I could say anything they strapped my mouth with a belt around the table forcing my head back with a loud bang, now feeling dissy I mumble, "Piss off".

Which earn me a solid five finger hit to the face, I look up feeling warm metallic tasting liquid run down me cheack. I stare wide eyed at Dabi as he looks satisfied.

"Don't worry... We're only going to torchure you for a while!" Shigaraki exclaims sinisterly. Tears run down the sides of my face as I prep myself for what's to come.

Shigaraki ordered the two other males to leave to room. Once they are gone he looks at me with a look full of blood lust.

As he approaches me I tremble. For fucks sake I am trained to be in situations like these damn it!

I start screaming but it's all muffled as Shigaraki picks up a wip with small blades on it.





You Are Strange(Bakugou x reader) On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara