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Katsuki and I are now walking to school, it's pretty nice walking to school in this weather. I look up at katsuki while walking.

"What?" He asks.

"O-oh Er I didn't know you were watching me..."

"How stupid do you think I am?"

I giggle and say "Very". Katsuki then starts chasing me towards school, I was giggling all the way, i knew I was faster than him. Eventually I was running towards the school gates and I skidded to a stop resulting in katsuki crashing into me and both of us tumbling to the ground.

"Owww, Hey Baka get off me!" I say as I'm getting crushed by his weight.

"Oh fuck off fuck head" katsuki tells me as he gets off.

"Alright alright, enough with the profanities, don't you have any manners?" I say, talking like and adult would.

"Hah!? Don't act like you don't swear either!!" katsuki practically yells into my ear.

I ignore him and walk to class, as he follows behind. We enter class,there was a bit of chatter then it stopped the class looked at Katsuki and I, "what?" we both said in unison. Midoriya popped out from the corner, "w-well it's kinda weird.. T-that you get along with Kacchan." he said.

I shrugged and brushed it of then gave Katsuki a death glare explosions that were onece popping from his hands ceiced, he scoffed and went to his seat. And so did I. After that Mr. Aizawa entered class and started the lesson.

It's now lunch, I'm packing my bag yo leave for the cafeteria. Suddenly Katsuki walks up to me, "Oi cappuccino! Sit with me during lunch!". He yells at me, "Okie Okie don't scream so much". He makes a 'tch' sound and we walk of to the cafeteria.

Now Katsuki and I are sitting at a table alone, the others wanted to go do something so him and I are left here. "So...." I start. "Cappuccino." Katsuki says. "yes?" I reply. "Tell me... Why do you always avoid talking about your quirk?" shit he noticed. "well..." "And why is it that you have different quriks?, people are supposed to have one quirk only?" he asks. Oh gosh what am I gonna do, come on (y/n) think! Shit shit shit, I can't tell him now. Oh no oh gosh why nowwww...

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