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It's been two weeks since Katsuki and I were hanging out, and honestly my life feels a little bit better. It's been a good two weeks Katsuki and I hung out after school and on the weekends, he's accually quite fun.

I'm currently getting ready for school, I slip on my school shoes and put on my blazer and head downstairs to eat breakfast. I open my fridge get some milk, then I get my cerial from the cuboard, then get a bowl and some sugar. I make my breakfast and start to eat.

As I enjoy my breakfast I scroll through Instagram on my phone, I see pictures of my old friends... They look so happy... Then I see some other posts, suddenly I get a call, so I answer it.


"Hey Dumdass"

"Katsuki is that you?"

"Yeah of course it's me! Who else would it be!?"

"Yeeesh okay no need to yell"

"Are you ready for school Cappuccino?"

"Yeah I'm ready, and stop calling me Cappuccino!"

"yeah whatever, you wanna walk to school with me?"

"Ooh yeah sure"

"Okay I'll come to your house, we can walk from there"

Omg guys I'm so sorry this isn't even a filler chapter I'm just trying to make up for not posting I'm busy with exams I'll probably only post next week or the following week😭but enjoy the story, this story is going to be a slow burn from now on soooo yeah, enjoy! Byeeee

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