Chapter Thirty-Five: Todoroki Christmas Eve

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Hiiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. This is Y/N's POV. If you don't celebrate Christmas, feel free to skip. And the next chapter too. Happy reading!😊

Months passed since we found out Touya's walking again. He's been speaking with Hizashi about everything and we've been supporting him. He talked about how he hated himself and blamed himself for the crash. For ending his relationship. For causing harm. He apologize every time for his actions and has done everything to help out. He takes his siblings to school, help them with their homework, anything. Enji on the other hand, still gets sucked in by Rei. Rumi wants me to end it between them but it's none of my business. We're currently decorating for Christmas.

"You've come a long way Touya. I'm so proud of you." I tell him.

"It's a work in progress, but thank you."

"The first step was admitting you were wrong and seeking help. You know a lot of people can't do that. Especially men. They project their trauma onto others. Women specifically. They bring up trauma they never addressed and get passed so they use that to weaponize why they hurt women."

"You have a point there. So, what about you and daddy?"

"What about us?" I answer his question with a question.

"You two are perfect for each other. Would you marry him if he ask?" I shrug as I struggle on the ladder he was holding.

"Hold it still!"

"I got you ma. You should've just let me lift you up."

"I am too old and too heavy to be lifted." I reject.

"You're not too old or heavy." I feel as I was being lifted. I was off the ladder. I look down to see red hair below me.

"Put me down Todoroki!" I scream.

"I got you Master. Just finish decorating." I sigh and finish. Enji puts me down when I was done. He wraps his arms around me.

"I've been a bad boy." He lowly say to me.

"I'm starting to think you do this on purpose for punishment."

"Maybe I am." He bends down to kiss me. I move out the way.
"Unh-Uh. I don't know where your lips been." Enji sighs.

"I'm not sleeping with her."

"I don't care what you do." Enji grabs my waist.

"I don't think you being my slave is a good idea."

"May I ask why?"

"Because you're still wrapped around her little finger."

"She does not."

"Then why do you jump to her needs?"

"I don't. We're just friends."

"You are clueless. You know what? We're not doing this." I walk off, heading towards the kitchen.

"Hey how's it going?" I ask. Natsu and Fuyumi were baking since I did all of the cooking already.

"It's going great mama!"

"You should just let me bake."

"You already cooked. Let us handle this." I smile and kiss their cheeks.

"Now out of the kitchen." Fu pushes me out.

"I'm the mama." I laugh. I walk back into the living room. Shoto was decorating the tree with the twins.

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