Chapter 1

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                             3rd person POV (A/N: before reading make shure to support me on Patreon for exclusive content, link is on my Wattpad home page)

                                         There is a large continent of Vila there is a war between the humans and the demons, the humans are lead by a hero that killed three generals by herself and lade wast to thousands of demons all on her own, the hero Akame. The leader of the demons the demon lord of destruction (Y/N) (L/N), her four generals Edelgard, Lucy, Belock, and Shalnock. The hero was able to slay three of the generals and has lead an army to take down the demon lord once and for all, it was a heated battle the demon general Edelgard was keeping the hero Akame away with her spearman ship while (Y/N) used brute force to attack the hero. It stayed like that for hours with either side without landing any serious wounds but the hero's army was winning so they thought of one last stitch of winning (Y/N) releases a huge ball of energy to kill Akame, Edelgard, and herself and once it hit the ground a huge explosion destroyed a portion of the demon lords castle. Once it tied down all the solders have thought the hero killed the demon lord and died in the process but that's not the truth, when the energy ball hit them a gate opened up and sucked the both of them in and transported them to another world, god only knows what will happen in this other world.

                              (Y/N)'s POV

                                               I woke up in a dark alleyway, Hi my name is (Y/N) the demon lord and I thought I was dead after my self distract move but I guess I'm not. I got up and I see I'm still in my clothes so that's good, not that I mind I mean I wear pretty reviling outfit that I think it classifies as a bra and panties. I heard growing and I saw my most trusted general Edelgard, I got up and I helped her up and she asked in the demon language " my lady, where are we?" I replied "I don't know " I looked around and it was weird, we exited the alleyway and I was aw strucked but the huge buildings and bright lights it's something I have never seen before. I then heard a gasped and I turned to see Edelgard but besides her normal pointed ears hers are like humans, rounded, she then said "my lady, you look human!" I looked at my hands and they look human, tho in my battle form my hands look like a humans and in my regular form but my skin is human! I then said "you look the same but your ears are human!" She then felt her ears and she gasped again, I then calmed down and said "it looks like we became human, but how? Ahhhhh this is so annoying!" I whined and Edelgard said "it's ok my lady, well figured this out" I then heard a man in a language I didn't understand "hey you two ok?"(A/N: imagine its Japanese) we turned to see two men in uniform and Edelgard got in front of me and she said "you dare adress my lady like that" the man then said "oh foreigners, you guys tourists?" I still have no clue what he's saying, I then told Edelgard "it's best we don't cause trouble" she just looked at me and nodded and the man said "are you kids lost?" I then tried to repeat the last word he said and I mean tried "L-Ō-Ś-T" the other man sighed and said "I think it's best we take them back to the station for now" he nodded and the other man talked inside some kind of box on his shoulder and the man opened a door on his carriage and said "we can help you" Edelgard looked at me and I only nodded because it's best to just follow them.

                                                     The man dragged us to some kind of guard house and put us in separate rooms and this man gave me food and pants. That part I didn't like, I eat the food he gave me and it's freakin delicious!, he then said "that's Katsudon, Kate-ud-don" I repeated it "catsdun?" He sighed and said "so tell me where are you from?" I didn't understand a thing but I know one thing that can help me. I used what little mana I have to hypnotize him and I asked "tell me everything you know" his eyes turned red and he begins to tell me everything, after a few minutes Edelgard came in and I asked "what happened to the other one?" She replied "I hypnotized him and sent him on his way. So my lady what did you learn?" I then said "we live in a world called earth in a country called Japan, it's an archipelago and apparently there's no magic " she was shocked and said "no magic!, how are we supposed to live " I then said "I have an idea" I held up some money I took from the guy and I said pridefully "we'll make money". We walked outside of the station and I said "according threw those guards or cops as people here call them, there are different ways to make money so let's make some!" Edelgard then said "but my lady how do we exactly do that without magic " she then tried to cast a spell and nothing happened. I then said "we simply do what the humans do and as for the magic " I then pointed to a sing with a wizard on it and I said "the humans do have a concept of magic threw fiction so maybe we can regain it" Edelgard nodded and I asked "now how do we blend in?" She sighed and said "to what I'd learn from that cop is that we need a need Proof that we are citizens, we need papers, birth certificates, Visas, and documentation then after we have that we need to set up a bank account and lastly we need a base".

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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The Demon Lord meets the Devil (TDIAPT harem x futa Milim reader)Where stories live. Discover now