She listened to the operator.

"Es ist ein Doppelmord /It's a double homicide."

You won't believe the shock that Laurent experienced.

I mean who wouldn't, after hearing your closest partner got arrested for homicide.

But she wasn't at a public prison. She was placed in a high security prison. I mean, she is related to the most dangerous man, legally that is.

Footsteps echoed across the white floor as Laurent made his way down the corridor.

He stopped at a door. A guard that was stationed there opened it and let him in.

On the other side of the glass was Y/N.

Laurent took his seat and leaned back in the chair.

"Hello Laurent."

"What have you gotten yourself into?" He asked with a serious face. He was... Pissed in a way.

"I went off and killed my parents, that good enough for you?" Y/N asked lazily.

Laurent gave her a look.

"Don't worry, I'll be out in a few years time, trust me," Y/N reassured,"I can see why Edamura wanted a break. I really fucking needed it."

Laurent sighed before a small grin came onto his face.

"You never cease to amaze me," He said.

"I'll be fine Laurent, just don't... Tell any of them about this. Egon already paid the government and the press to keep their fucking mouth shut."

"I really wished we had at least one more sweet night between the sheets before you got yourself locked away," Laurent sighed dramatically.

"What's between my legs will stay, but what's between yours, I'm not sure," Y/N muttered.

"I'm kidding Ma chère."

Y/N stood up and placed her hand on the glass.

"Je te verrai dans 2 ans /I'll see you in 2 years time."

Laurent smirked, "Si espiègle mon amour /So mischievous my love."

Laurent got up and watched as Y/N left the room.

He left the room, no readable expression on his face. But he was troubled.

Y/N sat in her room staring dead ahead.

She could've gotten freed days ago but Egon decided this was her punishment for waiting too long.

She needed the break anyway.

Y/N laid back on her bed, staring up at the ceiling.

Who knew she would spend a quarter of a year free, the rest with her guardian and the next 2 years imprisoned.

This is not what she had in mind but when it comes to being a con artist, you have to improvise.

Y/N realised how she and Abbie had gotten so close.

Two innocent girls, forced into killing.


She remembered when Abbie had told her about her past. Y/N stayed with her the rest of the day, having a mini girls time.

If she could change anyone's past, it would've been Abbie's. She deserved better.

Y/N let her eyes close and sleep consumed her.

She continued running though the trees, she jumped over a log and grabbed a bag that was planted there for this occasion.

Y/N smiled as she ran to freedom. She disposed of the gun, no fingerprints left behind.

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