" Hello. " I answered.

      " Hi Jason. " My Aunt greeted cheerfully. If she just called to say 'hi' I swear I will-

      " Are you busy? " She asked and I sighed.

      " Not any more. What is it? " I asked exasperated.

      " Well there's a little problem. I don't know if you want to know about it. You know what it's not that Important- " I cut her off with a growl.

      " What happened? " I asked impatiently knowing everyones eyes were on me as if waiting for me to explode.

      "  Its just Aroura- " I cut her off again.

      " Is she okay! Where is she? " I all but growled only to be silenced by her.

      " Don't worry she's fine physically. " My Aunt hesitated choosing her words carefully.

      " What do you mean physically. " I snapped.

      " Don't use that tone on me Mr. " She growled.

      " Please. " I begged.

      " Well I took her to the store and she insisted on helping find stuff. Now before you think she ran away let me tell you she didn't even try. "

      " What else. " I frowned. What did she call for?

      " Well she went off to get the stuff and a few minutes later she comes back as white as a sheet as though she had seen a ghost- Wait a minute do they exist! " I ignored her last comment and immediately asked questions.

       " What happened? " I snarled at all the thoughts crossing my mind.

       " She won't say. "

       " Can I talk to her. " I said more as a demand than a question.

       " Of course. " She said.

       " Jason. " " Aroura. "

     We both said at the same time making me laugh.

      " Are you all right? " I asked softly.

     " I'm fine Jason. " I hear her laugh as I could see her rolling her eyes. " Mary was just being over dramatic. "

     " As long as your safe. " I said.

     " Why wouldn't I be? " She asked curiously making me sigh softly.

     " I have lots of enemy's Aroura and now that I've found you people will try and take you away. " I growled towards the end.

     " But trust me on this Aroura I would die before I would let anyone harm you. "

     She was quite for a while before she said a soft, thank you.

     " For everything you've done. " She said with a sniffle and I saddened at the thought of her crying.

      " Don't cry, please. " I pleaded.

      " I've been so mean. " She sobbed making me scoff.

      " You've been mean I've been a total jerk. " I smile for what felt like the first time in centuries.

      " Well I have to go. " She said making my possessive wolf step up.

      " Don't worry I'm just going to the book store. Noah promised to take me there if I didn't run away. " She said and you could hear the excitement in her voice and I was slightly disappointed that I wasn't the one to make her that excited.

      " Okay be safe and remember I love you. " I say before she would hang up.

      It took her a while to answer but after a few seconds she undoubtedly said,

       " I love you too. " And then hung up. I smiled a smile I hadn't shown to anyone since the day before my parents die.

       " So you do have a heart. " I hear behind me and I growl as I turned to see that one woman from before. I swear if she says anything insulting I won't hesitate to kill her.

      " And it belongs to your Luna and only her. " I stated clenching my fist in anger.

      " Tell me Alpha how many past girl friends have you had? " She smirk as though she had hit a soft spot.

      " None. " I shrugged. " Aroura will be my first in every way. "

( #CueTheAwes... sorry continue on with the story )

      I then thanked my wolf for suggesting we wait for our mate. Sometimes he was a life saver. She look taken aback but nevertheless kept her cool.

      " But think about it she has no experience in authority or ranks. " This woman was really getting on my nerves.

       " How could she ever compare to me. "

       Did you hear that? That was the last straw breaking in half. What Noah said was forgotten immediately. Forgive me Aroura, but this woman needed to be gone. Now.

        " Let me name the ways she is above you. " My stare was deathly as both me and my wolf were in control.

      We slowly stalked towards the woman, who only now noticed her mistake in what she said. We both knew she wasn't going to survive the next hour.

( A/N : So you guys choose should she die

or live?

Remember to comment!!!

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