BeyClub's Mystery Map Adventure (Part 5: A Golden View)

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(A/N: I apologize for publishing this part late and I hope you'll like the last part of this Mystery Map Adventure series.)

Since, the bladers were now lost, they had to reach the mountain to meet each other. However, it was getting late and only Wakiya had the map. Luckily, Shu and Daigo remembered the details of the map.

With Wakiya and Rantaro,

Rantaro: Come on. It's not like you're gonna fall.

Wakiya: How are you so sure about that!? *Looks at the peak of the mountain* No! No! I'm not climbing up there!

Rantaro: *Sigh*

All of a sudden, they heard a sound....

???: Grrr~

No, it was not another predator, it was just our angry puppet, Keru but Wakiya and Rantaro got scared anyway.

Wakiya: Ahhhhh!

Rantaro: Gyaaaa!

Daigo: Chill out.

Ken's Besu: Such a memorable face for our adventure.

Wakiya: (`д')ノ

Daigo: These two might be annoying but I'm glad they weren't eaten alive.

With Shu and Valt,

Valt: Shu, are we there yet?

Shu: Yes, it seems so.....Just beside a pond. Ah yes, here it is.

Valt: How come you know everything that was on the map? Is that the power you use during exam?

Shu: I wonder.

Valt: Hey! I can see Wakiya's hair! It's shining.

Shu: So, now he is a landmark?

Daigo: Hey, Valt and Shu are here.

Rantaro: You two are safe! *Hugs both of them*

Wakiya: Enough with the drama! We have to reach the peak of that mountain before the sun sets!

Ken's Keru: But can you really climb that mountain?

Wakiya: *Sweats nervously*

Daigo: Wait, didn't the map showed another way to climb the mountain?

Shu: From what I remember, it's probably right here... *Goes behind a rock* Yes, here is an easy path than climbing.

Behind the rock, there was stairs craved on the mountain.

Wakiya: There was another way!? *Searches on the map intensely*

Rantaro: *Sigh* They know more than you even though you had the map.

Daigo: At least we found it.

Valt: Alright! Let's go before the sun sets!

After a while,

Rantaro: *Huffing* How... tall... is this... mountain?

Wakiya: *Huffing* We're.... almost... there!

Daigo: You've been saying that for a while now.

Ken's Besu: Look! I can see the peak.

Valt: Let's go! *Runs*

Shu: Valt, be careful.

Soon, Valt reached the peak of the mountain and was left speechless. The other members of the BeyClub came shortly afterwards.

Rantaro: Don't run away like that!-

Rantaro: Wow...

Everyone stood there in silence processing the beauty of the view they could see from the peak of the mountain. The Sun was setting and everything was covered in a golden hue.

Valt: It's so Bo-bo-boom!

Wakiya: huh?

Valt: and Zoomm~

Shu: He means that it's so wonderful and amazing.

Ken's Besu: Oh, right. That's his Valt-nese.

Daigo: You mean Japanese?

Ken's Keru: No, Valt-nese.

Rantaro: If you wanna learn, you've to learn it from Shu sensei.

Shu: Stop it guys.

Valt: Did you found out what we were searching from the map?

Wakiya: Well, it was something like 'beneath the golden view'.

Ken's Besu: Wait, this view IS Golden!

Rantaro: Just like Goldilocks. *Points to Wakiya*

Wakiya: Shut up.

Shu: Then, this magical scenery was the one we had been searching for.

Valt: This was the treasure all along? Amazing~

Daigo: Not just that. This sunset symbolises all of our efforts combined together.

Wakiya: (Thinks: It's beautiful but I'm sure there's something more. Wait, I remember!)


Wakiya's Grandfather: And beneath that golden view, you'll find what's precious to you.


Wakiya: Beneath the sunset.. Oh! *Looks at everyone else*

Wakiya: *Smiles to himself* (Thinks: I know that already Grandfather.)

Rantaro: Wakiya, what's with that smile? Huh~?

Wakiya: N-None of your business! *Blushes and turns away*

Valt: Come on Wakiya. Watch the sunset with us. It only lasts for a few minutes!

Wakiya: *Smiles and nods* Thanks.

~The End

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