~DEFEAT NOTE~ (Part 2)

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Bell stood there freezed as Basara was on his knees checking what defect he had in his beyblade, Balkesh.

Basara: Come on, what happened?

Bell: .... (Shocked)

Ranzo: It suddenly stopped right? It happened to me too.

Basara: (Stands up) I hope that match doesn't count. I demand another battle!

Bell: ... (Snaps out) Huh? Oh.. Uh, y-yeah.

Jinemon: Um... How about Tomorrow? It seems like you boys are pretty tired and need some rest.

Ranzo: Oh yeah, that makes sense.

Hanna: Basara you must be tired. I can't even count how many battles you had since morning.

Basara: (Hesitating but nods) I guess so...

With the unexpected events remaining unsolved, the bladers decided to call it a day and get some rest after that eccentric beybattle.

   ............................                       ..............................     

As the night unfold, Bell couldn't shake this strange feeling off his mind. What was it that he was feeling? He opened his eyes to find a suffocating purple aura surrounding him. He looked around in panic just to see Belfyre at a distance. However he couldn't reach him because of the strange purple aura surrounding him. He decided to shout, although his voice couldn't reach his partner, Belfyre.

Bell: Belfyre! Listen to me!

And at that instant, Bell realised that the voice he heard was not entirely his. He could hear someone else's voice and quickly stopped calling out for Belfyre and looked around cautiously.

Bell: Who's there?

A distorted voice was heard "I am Nemesis, The Black Sun or the God of Destruction"

Bell: What? ... (Confused) That's supposed to be a Legend..

Nemesis: Precisely, and I am the owner of that book possessed by you at the moment. I've been sealed inside this book for ages... and I'm grateful that you Bell Daikokuten have finally opened the book. 

Bell: Wait! Are you saying I freed you?! Are you actually evil??

Nemesis: (Evil smile) Of course not. I am here to help you. I suppose you could say I'm not completely free. From now on you will never have to worry about losing a battle anymore. I will be there... just behind you...

Slowly, the Dark Purple Aura fades and the distorted voice could be heard murmuring.....

"Now all you need to do is forget about Bey Spirit..."

Bell: Wait!!-

Bell jerks out of the bed, still dazed from the nightmare he had. Rubbing the back of his head, he tried to clear up what he just saw.

Bell: Agh... a nightmare?

Bell looks around his room and on his table was Belfyre. His soft smile slightly disappeared as he noticed the Defeat Note just beside his Beyblade.

Bell: (Sigh) I should stop having nightmares. It doesn't suit the Demon King.

Bell momentarily pauses before taking hold of the book and started flipping through the pages. Usually, the first thing he'd touch after he wakes up would be Belfyre. But today something kept on bugging him. What was this 'Nemesis'?

Bell: Hmm... It says that I can decide how to win a battle by writing it down. How does that even work?

Bell: That shouldn't be possible. (Laughs but then pauses) Then what happened yesterday?

Bell: (Consoling himself) Oh well maybe it's coz I had defeated Ranzo and Basara before too. It's no big deal. I'm sure it won't work against a legendary blader~

Just as the words 'Legendary Blader' escaped his lips, the defeat note started shimmering and a flicker of dark aura could be seen.

Bell: W-What? (Nervous)

He jerks off the bed because of the sudden opening of the door.

Jinemon: (Tilts head) Bell, are you okay? I made breakfast for you.

Bell: (Quickly gets up) Yeah OK, I'm up.

Even if Bell was eating, his mind was thinking something different.

Bell: Hey, (Hesitating) umm... Could you tell me some more... about this Nemesis..

Jinemon: Hm? Oh well, I did said I only knew that much.

Bell: (Disappointed) 

Jinemon: Or maybe, I've something... wait a moment.

Jinemon leaves the dining room but before he could come back, they heard a voice, a lively one not the distorted one.

Valt: Hey Bell! Are you there?

Bell: Valt? (Surprised and excited and jumps off his seat to meet him)

Shu: How's it going?

Bell: Shu? How come...?

Valt: What do you mean? We are here to battle you! It's been a while right? Let's enjoy battling.

Bell pauses at that and then smiles awkwardly and nods "Sure, why not?"

As Shu and Valt reach the stadium of the Gates of Hell, Bell trailing behind looks at the Defeat Note as he thinks... "No, I can't do that!"

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