BeyClub: Daigo's Cat Fever

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(Daigo likes cats. I'm not sure if he LOVES them! But I know he likes them.)

It was a sunny day and Daigo was practicing beyblade in a nearby bey-stadium,

Daigo: Just like that! Go Deathscyther!

Daigo: *Picks up his bey* You did well.

Daigo: Hm, It isn't that late. I guess I'll make it in time.

Daigo packs his things and gets ready to leave but suddenly,

Cat: Meow~

Daigo: *Looks at the cat* Oh, it's you again. *Pats the cat* But... I can't stay with you. I've practice with the BeyClub. *Leaves*

Cat: *Grabs Daigo's leg* Meow~

Daigo: Uh,...I..*sign* I guess I have no choice.

Daigo wasted no time and took the cat with him.

Daigo: ...

Cat 2: Meow~

Daigo: *Looks at the cat* No I can't take you. *Leaves but...*

Cat 2: Meow~

Daigo: *Stops* Ok fine.


Cat 3: Meow~

Cat 4: Meow~

Daigo: How many cats are there!?

Just like that Daigo couldn't resist the cats and took all of them with him.

With the BeyClub,

Wakiya: Go Wyvern, Shield Crash!

Rantaro: Ragnaruk!

Daigo: *Walks in*

Ken: *Besu's voice* Oh hey Daigo-

Ken: *Keru's voice* Wait, what's with all those cats?

Daigo: Can we have these cats at our practice session today?

Wakiya and Rantaro: What!?!

Shu: Are you serious about that?

Daigo: *Nods*

Wakiya: What do you mean? This is the BeyClub. Not a zoo!

Ken: *Keru's voice* Cats aren't kept in zoo Wakiya.

Wakiya: T-That's not the case here!

Valt: Ahhh!! Sorry I'm late! *Comes running*

Valt: Are these all cats?

Wakiya: Yeah! We should send them back-

Valt: They are so adorable! *Picks up a cat*

Daigo: Yeah :)

Wakiya: No Valt! I'm telling you-

Daigo: *Ignores Wakiya* Well Honcho, Let's battle.

Rantaro: Alright!

Wakiya: I'm not done yet-

Ken: *Keru's voice* Ready set!




Let it RIP!

Wakiya: What are you doing!? The cats will eat our beys!

Shu: *Sweat drops* Wakiya, they are cats not monsters.


Valt: *Cuddling with the cats*

Ken: *Has a cat on his head*

Shu: Hm..? *looks down and saw a cat*

Cat: *Has white fur* Meow~

Shu: It has the same fur colour as my hair. (≡ᗜ≡) They are really adorable.

Wakiya: Not you too Shu! huh? I kind of feel heavy *Looks at his clothes* Ahh! this cat's gonna scratch my expensive coat!

Rantaro: Woah! Wakiya Chill down.

Shu: *Sign* Even though I might not hate these cats. *looks at the white furry cat on his hands* We can't keep them here.

Daigo: *Sad* Hm.. I guess so.

Wakiya: Yeah. It will affect our practice. You can already see Valt paying no attention.

Valt: *Busy playing with the cats*

Daigo: *Sign* I get it.

Shu: It's ok. Let's send them back.

Wakiya: Finally.

Rantaro: Hey Wakiya. Are you secretly afraid of cats as well?

Wakiya: W-What made you think something like that?

The Next Day,

Daigo: ....

Daigo: Huh..? *looks at a shadowy figure*

Daigo: This... looks a lot like a cat. *Has star eyes now*

Later at their Bey Practice time,

Daigo: Can we have her at our practice session today?

Daigo: Can we have her at our practice session today?

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Ilya: Yo peeps!

Everyone: NO! Send her Back!

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