Drum is curious 4: 'NOT' Clickbait!

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“You might have thought this was Drum, but it was me, Bell!”

Bell: I hacked Drum's account since he is getting quite popular with these chapters. Plus, this is more fun than creating a new one. I'm sure Drum won't mind if I just take one of his chapters. 

Bell: Anyway, this really was a clickbait but I'm here to entertain you with some April Roasts. April fool is old now.

Ranzo: You're saying this cuz you couldn't trick Free on April fools.

Bell: Shut up Ranzo!

Bell: I mean I tried to paint him in green-

Ranzo: Didn't work.

Bell: (Glares at him) I tried to set up a fake beehive-

Ranzo: Didn't work either.

Bell: Misguided him with a meal time alarm!-

Ranzo: Instead of him, Valt got tricked.

Bell: I also tried to-

Ranzo: Didn't work.

Bell out of nowhere, fits a hook on Ranzo and he flew away screaming.

Bell: Ok better. Now, welcome to Bell's Roast like a Toast show!

So how would you like to get toast-

I mean roast!

*Epic Intro music plays*

Bell: Let's get started with the picture I found from the dark web~

Rantaro taking the word backstabbing into a whole new level

Rantaro taking the word backstabbing into a whole new level

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Joshua realising Zac is better than him

Joshua realising Zac is better than him

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Ranjiro better check his vocabulary

Ranjiro better check his vocabulary

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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