The Club Card Guard pushed her to the side and a mole person approached them.

Diamond Card Guard: Name please!

Johnny: Johnny.

Spade Card Guard: Right then, in you go.

Courtly couldn't believe it. Well, she could actually. Still, she let out a cry of frustration and pushed aside one of the guests and marched off.

Courtly: Can't let Courtly in, she's just a lowly joker, shuffle her to the bottom of the deck where she belongs!

Suddenly, she felt the book react. She lifted it up to see that a card was slipping out of the pages. It glowed a dark purple energy.

Courtly: Oh, what's this?

She pulled the card out and read aloud.

Courtly: 'Just say the who you want to be, and that's the you that they will see'?

She gasped. Then she smirked.

Courtly: This is going to be fun.

She took the card and walked back to the guards. They spotted her and immediately crossed their spears to avoid letting her in.

Courtly: Step aside, totee. I'm on my way to see my mum.

Diamond Card Guard: Listen, didn't I already tell you to get lost?

Courtly smirked as she lifted the card.

Courtly: Oh, I should hope not. After all, that's no way to talk to...

She flipped the card across her face, changing her appearance to Lizzie.

Courtly: Lizzie Hearts, your princess!

The guards gasped as the magic affected their vision and minds. They saw Lizzie Hearts and completely forgot that it was Courtly they were speaking to.

Diamond Card Guard: Yes, your royal highness. Huh, please, forgive me!

Courtly walked past the both, her nose in the air.

Courtly: Not likely.

She stepped into the party which was already in full swing. She looked around for a moment before tapping her cheek.

Courtly: Now, to get my hands on the Storybook of Legends. Which means... catching the Cheshire Cat. Ooh, maybe my dear, sweet mother has seen her.

Across the courtyard, one of the frog servants hopped to attention to make an announcement to the party.

Frog: All hail the Queen of Hearts, and her amazing skills at croquet.

The Queen of Hearts suddenly appeared in her throne, being pushed by other servants, before rising and walking along to the cheers of her people.

You still hadn't come back, but she knew that you needed to find a way back home. Still, it would've been nice if you at least left a card.

Queen Hearts: That's right! It's my birthday! And I'm going to play croquet, and everyone is going to watch me.

The Frog handed her a mallet, but a fish servant hopped over to make a different announcement.

Ever After High: A Wonderful Semester (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now