"kneel" Sean instructed and Darcel did it despite being confused

"touch yourself baby" Sean instructed huskily and again Darcel did without asking as he himself was getting turned on just looking at Sean's condition

"unbutton your shirt" Sean instructed as he himself was already touching himself while Darcel unbutton his shirt

"f*ck baby" Sean cursed as he walked towards Darcel capturing his lips

"mmm" Darcel moaned as he felt Sean's hands touching his bare skin while his own found their way to lift Sean's shirt

Without a warning Sean pushed Darcel down the floor his hands supporting Darcel's head to prevent it from hitting the floor hard as he continued to suck and bite Darcel's already swollen lips

"Sean" Darcel moaned as Sean went down to Darcel's neck doing the same biting, sucking and kissing him as he moved his hips giving both their bulge some friction

Sean stopped kissing Darcel and both were looking at each other's eyes while panting when Sean suddenly harshly grab both Darcel's hands pinning them above his head

"d*mn" Darcel can only cuss

"baby I'm telling you don't expect me to be gentle today" Sean darkly said his eyes full of lust and love and before Darcel can even speak Sean once again claimed his lips as he tighten his hold on Darcel's wrist leaving prints on them

"tell me baby, how many times did others saw this hot body of yours dancing?" Sean ask pulling away from the kiss

"I was fully cloth" Darcel reasoned

"that's not then answer I want baby" Sean said putting more force in his wrist

"three times, all of it wasn't my liking I was forced to do it" Darcel admitted

"then when are you planning to tell me about this if your sister haven't told me?" Sean again ask and Darcel looked away making Sean made him look back at him in not so gentle way

"don't look away baby" Sean said still waiting for an answer

"you didn't plan to tell me this didn't you?" ask Sean and Darcel can only nod

"why?" ask Sean

"it's embarrassing and it's all in the past" Darcel replied

"and here I am thinking you should've became an artist instead of a mafia leader, your so f*cking talented baby" Sean smirked and claimed Darcel's lips once again

After that Sean pulled Darcel up and without breaking the kiss they move towards their bed touching each other's every curve

"hmmm" Darcel moaned as he climbed on top of Sean who was the one laying on the bed

"you really are different in bed do you know that" Darcel said kissing Sean's neck

"mmmm how different?" Sean ask moaning

"very different, the Sean in bed is so dominant and controlling unlike the Sean who was always following me around and relying on me" Darcel replied

"that also applies to you don't you think" Sean replied changing their position now he is on top Darcel

"you are very submissive and obedient in bed unlike the Darcel who never shows weakness in front of other people and feared by everyone" Sean said and both just smiled at each other

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