The worst that could happen

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'What?' I look at her in shock. 'What did you just say?'

'He is alive.'

All different emotions rush through me. Anger, sadness. I don't understand a single thing.

'What do you mean he's alive? His death is the reason that Sabrina was put in foster care!' I yell at her.

'It's not! He was just scared!' She yells back as she stands up from her chair.

'Scared of what!? He started all of this himself!'

'He was scared she would find out what he did! She's old enough to start questioning all the things he has told her. He left me without saying A WORD. I don't know more!'

I stand up from my chair and look her in the eye. 

'If you don't tell me where he is now, I will make sure that you-'

'Please, I don't know!' She insists

'I know you do, don't fucking lie to me.'

I grab her by the shirt.

'Tell me where he is'

She looks at me. Scared.

'California. He's hiding. Please let me go.'

Joyce walks in

'Hopper! Let her go! Calm down!'

I let go of her and slightly push her back.

'Write down the adress and we'll leave you alone.'

Cynthia nods and quickly grabs a pen and paper to write down the adress of the place where Lonnie's hiding.

I take the paper and grab Joyce's hand.

'Let's go'

She's confused.

'Hopper, what happened? Where are we going?'

'California, we need answers.'

'California? What? Why? What's in California?'

I stop walking and turn around to look at her. 

'Lonnie. Lonnie is in California.'

She looks at me with wide eyes. 

'What?' She says with a trembling voice. 'No, I am not going there.'

'Joyce, we have to. We need answers.'

POV Joyce

'No Hopper! I am NOT going!' I yell at him

I can see he's angry.

'Joyce please, don't you want fucking answers?' He yells back as he walks to the car.

'Yes I do but I am not able to look him in the eyes after what he has done to my daughter! Your daughter! Our daughter!' 

He turns around and walks back to me. He grabs me by my arm angrily.

'We are going Joyce. Whether you fucking like it or not.'

I look at him with tears in my eyes. This is so not like him. I don't want to make the resemblance but he reminds me of him. He reminds me of Lonnie.

I start crying. 

'Okay, I'll go with you. Please let me go.'

He immediately lets go of me. He is shocked by what he just did. 

'Joyce, I am so sorry.'

He goes in for a hug but I stop him.

'No. Get in the car. Go to Cali, We'll call the kids at the nearest gas station.' I say and walk towards the car. Hopper also gets in the car and it stays silent the whole drive.

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