Lost and found

429 15 18

'This is our school, but you probably already know that.' Dustin says while the three of them bike around town. 

'So we've been to the arcade, the mall, the libary and the pool. Did we miss any locations?' Will asks.

'No I don't think so.' Dustin says.

'So what are we going to do now?' Will asks 'You don't have anywhere to go.'

'I don't know..' I say

'Maybe she can come to your house. I'm sure your mom wouldn't mind.' Dustin says to Will.

'My house? Why can't she go to your house?' Will says with an uncomfortable look on his face.

'Well because we found her in YOUR fort so.'

'Alright.. you can come to my house..' Will says

They cycle back to Will's home.

POV Hopper

I headed back to the police station and called the news.  After a lot of arguing, they'll be putting it in their last broadcast of the day. I hope it will help. I am so worried about this kid, it annoys me. I hope someone found her and recognizes her. Let's hope we get lucky...

POV Joyce

Will and Dustin have been gone for four hours. Normally they only spend 2 hours outside. I wonder if something has happened. 

The doorbell rings just as that thought goes through my head. I open the door. It's Will. 

'Hi honey did you have fun outsi-' I stop talking. I see a strange girl standing behind Dustin.

'Mom, before you say anything, I can explain' Will says before I can say anything 'We went to Castle Byers and we found her laying there, she ran away from home, she's new in Hawkins so we showed her around and-' He rattles on and on.

'Okay, okay, I see, what's your name, sweetie?' I interrupt him and ask the girl what her name is.

'Sabrina' She says

'Okay, now why don't you all come inside so you can tell me what happened.'

I look at the girl as she walks past me. She reminds me of myself when I was younger. She looks a awfully lot like me.  I had a daughter named Sabrina. She was only a few months old when she passed away. I was devastated. I found comfort with Jonathan and Hopper. I was on bad terms with Lonnie but we still had Will after that. I love Will but I stayed with Lonnie for too long..

POV Sabrina

'Sit down sweetie' Joyce says 'Okay Sabrina, now can you tell me what happened?'

'I ran away from home. I'm new in Hawkins.'

'Why did you run away? Did something happen at home?'

'My foster parents were fighting, I panicked so I just ran as far as I could and then I saw Will's cabin.'

I feel very comfortable around Joyce. The way she talks to me, makes me feel safe.

'Foster parents, I see..' She doesn't ask me anything else about them.

She looks at me with a smile on her face.

'Honey, your face is so red. Are you cold? Wait let me get you a blanket and a cup of tea.' She says as she walks to the kitchen. 

Will turned on the tv while Joyce and I were talking. He and Dustin are sitting on the couch. He turns his head around.

'Are you okay?' He asks

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