Undeniable connection

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The next day I decide to go to Hopper's house. We really need to talk about what happened yesterday. Our goodbye was really awkward. So not like us. I really don't want things to get awkward between us.

I ring the doorbell and Hopper opens the door.

'Hi Hop, do you have time to talk?'

'Oh uh hi Joyce, yeah come in.'

I walk in and see Eleven sitting at the table. She's doing homework.

'Hi El!' I say

'Hi Joyce!' She says back.

'What subject are you working on?'


'Oh is it hard? Will is really struggeling with maths.'

'It's okay. I help Will at school a lot. We figure things out together.'

'Oh that's sweet.. I bet he appreciates that alot.'

'Eleven, do you mind going to your room for a bit? So Joyce and I can talk?' Hopper asks her.

'Okay' She says and grabs her books.

'So what did you want to talk about?'

'Hop.. what happenend yesterday, I-'

'Joyce, it's not your fault.' 

'That wasn't even what I was going to say, Jim' I say a bit annoyed 'I just want to talk about how we're going to handle this.'

'What do you mean?'

'Well are we going to tell people about it?'

'I haven't thought about that...'

'We don't have to if you don't want to, I mean-'

'No it's fine by me. I want to be a part of her life.'

I smile at him. I sit down on the couch and he sits down next to me.

'She deserves a proper father figure in her life after everything that happened, don't you think?'

'She does. She really does.' I say

A moment of silence follows. I put my head on his shoulder. He gives me a kiss on the head. Butterflies rush through my stomach. 

POV Hopper

We sit like this for a solid hour. Just us together. I wonder what she is thinking. I should ask her out on a date. No, I don't know if she feels the same way. But if I don't ask her, I'll never know.


'Hmm' She mumbles back.

'Would you..maybe like to go out with me sometime?' 

She sits up and looks at me.

'Like as in a date?' She asks while blushing.

'Yes.' I say hesitating

She smiles nervously

'I'd love to.'

I smile back at her.

'I was thinking Enzo's, tonight, 7 o'clock.'

'Yeah, it's a date.'

'Okay picking you up at 6:45.'


We smile at each other

'I think El maybe wants to come out of her room by now.' I say

Joyce laughs

'I think I'm gonna go then, I'll see you tonight.' She says with a smile.

'See you tonight.'

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