A real family

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The whole day at work I can't stop thinking about what Joyce said. Why and how would Lonnie do this? I really want to figure this out. For Joyce, for Sabrina but also for me. He kept my daughter away from me and from her mother. Who knows what would've happened if she would have grown up with Joyce. I decide to leave it for now and discuss it later with Joyce. It's 7 PM, time to go and pick up Joyce. I drive to the place she works at. When I arrive she's already waiting on me outside. She smiles and waves at soon as she sees me.

'Hey!' She says as she gets in the car. She gives me a kiss on the cheek 'how was your day?'

'It was fine, I've just been thinking about what you said.'

'What? What did I say?'

'That about Lonnie, about how and why he did it.'

'Oh....' Joyce says on a sad tone

'I'm sorry... if you don't want to talk about it, I'll try to figure it out on my own.'

'No, no, it's fine, just not now okay?'

I nod my head and drive us home. When we arrive at Joyce's house, I stay in the car.

'Hey, aren't you gonna come inside?'

'No, I'm good'

Joyce looks at me confused. She walks back to the car.

'I'm sure Sabrina would like to see you.'

'Mhm yeah not so sure about that one.'

Joyce is now even more confused.

'Did something happen?'

'She called the police station today and when I hung up I told her I loved her. I think it was too soon after everything that happened'

'Aww, I'm sure it'll be okay.'

I look down. 'I don't know Joyce.'

'Come inside for me, please?' 

She looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

I sigh 'okay then.'

POV Sabrina

I hear a car pull up in the drive way. I look out the window. It's Hopper and Joyce. Oh no, interaction with Hopper is going to be so awkward. I sit down on the couch and quickly put on the tv. They walk in. Hand in hand. I look at them and point it out.

'Are you-'

'Together? I guess so.' Hopper says

He looks at Joyce. She nods. I knew that those two had a thing for each other.

Joyce walks to the kitchen, leaving me and Hopper alone. He sits down next to me. We don't say anything to each other. 

'Kid, I am sorry if I scared you off by saying that. I didn't think it through.' He then says after a couple of minutes.

'No, it's okay. It's just- I have to get used to everything. Having to call someone else dad and using the term mom after 17 years...it's new to me.'

POV Joyce

I hear Hopper and Sabrina talking in the living room while I do the dishes.

I hear Sabrina talking about how difficult everything is for her. I understand her but it breaks my heart that she doesn't call me mom all the time. I missed 17 years with her. 17 years with my little girl that we are both never getting back. Tears start forming in my eyes. I put everything down for a second and take a deep breath. This is my fault. I should've asked to see her. I remember the day of her birth like it was yesterday. It was a tough pregnancy. She was way too early but the doctors assured me she would be fine. She wasn't, or atleast that's what they told me. After I gave birth, I got to hold her for a little while. After that, they took her away for 'check ups' and I never saw her again. Lonnie went with them and later came back to tell me our little girl had passed away. Well not HIS little girl but we didn't know that back then. I cried for days. I became a wreck, didn't sleep for months and had to take care of Jonathan which was exhausting on top of the pain and grief. I hope Hopper and I can find out the truth about all of this. I deserve to know it, Sabrina deserves to know it. She deserves a loving family, a real family that cares about her and loves her. I hope me and Hopper will be able to give her that and that she will accept it...

POV Hopper

'I understand it's hard for you kid but you've gotta know that we're here for you. Take all the time you need but know that you can talk to us.'

'Thanks... dad.' Sabrina says as she hugs me

I am a little shocked, I hug her back.

'I am going to see what your mom is up to.'

I walk into the kitchen to see Joyce sitting on the floor against the cabins, crying.

'Hey Joyce, what's wrong?' I ask worried. I kneel down next to her.

She is sobbing uncontrollably. I hold her in my arms, her head against my chest.

'Ssst, it's okay.' I stroke her back

'I just can't stop thinking about it Hop. I blame myself for everything. It's my fault.'

'Hey hey hey, don't say that. It was not your fault at all.'

'Yes it is, I should've asked to see her again when they took her away. I could've done more.'

'Joyce, please stop blaming yourself. None of this is your fault. Lonnie did this to you and to Sabrina. There was nothing you could do.'

She keeps crying to the point that she almost starts hyperventilating. I try to calm her down but she just won't listen.

'We will find out why he did it and how he got away with it. We will get justice Joyce. I promise you that.'

She looks up at me, eyes red from crying.



She smiles at me. I hug her

'It's okay Joyce, really. We are going to do this together.'

I stand up and reach my hand out to her for her to grab. She takes my hand and I pull her up.

'I love you.' She says as she hugs me tight.

'I love you too Joycie.'

She laughs through her tears.

'I've gotta make dinner.' She says as she sniffs.

'Oh no Joyce, you are so tired. Let me handle it.' I say

'No Hop, that's okay, I can do this.'

I block her way to the stove.

'Even if you can, you need to catch your breath.'

'Alright, fine, I'll let you handle it. Stuff's in the fridge.' She smiles in a teasing way. 

She walks to the living room.

POV Joyce

I walk into the living room where Sabrina is still watching tv. I hope she doesn't notice that i've been crying. I don't want to worry her.

'Hey honey, how was your day?' I ask her 

'It was okay, only was a little confused on why no one was home. Where's Will?' She asks.

'Oh, I am so sorry sweetie. I didn't know I was going to spend the night at Hopper's and I completely forgot to tell you that Will is at the Wheelers.'

'It's okay, don't worry. Now tell me about your date! How was it?'

'It was amazing.' I say while smiling. 'We went to Enzo's and after that we went out for a little walk together. Hand in hand.'

'Ooooh that sounds so romantic.' She says. 'How come you spent the night there huh?'

I start blushing. This was not a conversation that I had planned.

'Oh uhm haha, we just.. uh.. I just.. you know.' I say awkwardly.

Sabrina starts laughing.

'You don't have to tell me about that, it's was a joke.' She says laughing.

'Oh, yeah, right.' I laugh awkwardly.

'So you two are together now?' She then asks.

'Yeah, I think so.' I say with a smile.

She smiles back at me.

'You can really see the love you have for each other. The way he looks at you and the way you look at him. You two are truly meant for each other.'

Just then I see Hopper looking at us around the corner. I pretend that I don't see him. He smiles. He feels the same way as I do. What a man. I love him.

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