Too good to be true?

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'Hello Joycie' I say as I walk into the store where she works.

'Hi Hop' She says rolling her eyes in a playful way.

I walk up to her

'Are you busy?'

'No.. not many customers today.'


'Why, what's the matter?'

'I think you need someone to talk to based on the look on your face.'

She sighs

'The result still aren't in, it's been two weeks!'

'Really? Are they taking that long?'

'Yes! I'm scared that something might be wrong...'

'It will be fine Joyce. They will come in soon.'

'Yeah I guess you're right..'

I sit down on the counter.

She walks to the other side and sits down next to me

I wrap an arm around her

'She looks like you.' I say

'You think so?' she asks

'She has your eyes.'

She smiles and lays her head on my shoulder

'Everything will be just fine...' I say quietly

POV Sabrina

'So yeah.. that's the story. I hope you understand. I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused you.'

'Sabrina, we totally understand! They might be your really family and you know what they say, family first!' Edith says.

Hopper asked me to explain the situation to my foster parents. I was scared that they would be mad but they are really cool about it.

'So you're not mad?'

'No! Ofcourse not! We want what's the best for you.' Marc says.

'Thank you.' I say and give them a hug.

'Now go pack your things, we'll drop you off.'

At Hawkins middle school

Dustin walks up to Will

'Hey, how did it end with Sabrina?' Dustin asks

'She lives with us now.' Will answers

'Really? So she is your sister?' 

'My mom thinks that she is but we are waiting for the results to come in.'

'What results?'

'From the DNA-test. They took one just to make sure.'

'Are you planning on telling the others?'

'Well I have to tell them sooner or later. Did you tell them anything?'

'No, I was waiting for you to do it.'

'I'm just going to wait until the results are in, okay?'

'Fine by me'

At the Byers house

The bell rings. It's Sabrina.

'Hi!' She says with a very big smile on her face.

'Haha hello you' I say smiling back 'Shall I help you put your things inside?'

She nods her head

Her foster parents, well now ex-foster parents, introduce themselves to me and we talk the situation through. After they left, Sabrina and I sit down and drink some tea. After that I go get the mail. I freeze. While I go through the mail, I come across a letter that has the logo of the local hospital on it. That letter must contain the results. I run to the phone to call Hopper.

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