"I told you, I'd buy you a house."

"I was expecting to fight you on this particular house," I admitted. I thought he would find something wrong with this mansion and then give me his approved choices, and try to manipulate and control everything.

"I'm done with fighting. I want to be happy again, which starts with making you happy. This house is really nice and you sound like you have such big plans for us. That's what I want, a future for you and I with a house full of our family."

"You want to talk about kids, don't you?" I laughed.

"I know you're not ready—we're not ready," he replied. "So for now, we'll have two guest rooms. And I'll focus on making all your remodeling dreams come true."

"This is my dream. You, me, a house of our own, and a dog?" I gasped. "It's everything I've been wanting. Besides a baby. But... I'm almost halfway done my third year of college. If things keep going well now... we could be trying again this time next year."

Klaus grinned, "I love you."

"I love you too, and I'm yours, Klaus," I swore. "All yours, entirely yours."

His hands cupped the back of my neck and pressed his mouth to mine, "I'm yours too. And I want to be forever, Danielle."


Sunday, December 9th
11:15 AM

I rushed to the door to stop the incessant knocking. I had just gotten out the shower and pulled on enough clothes to answer the door, tripping over a box. I pulled the door open, ready to greet whomever with an annoyed hello. But instead I was rendered speechless, by my unsuspected guest, "Hayley! H-hi."

Her lips were pursed as she entered my home without waiting for an invitation. "So you've been blowing me off for days now. You're too busy to watch Hope when I ask. You got back together with Klaus, had him pick up your dog to continue to avoid me, and then you bought a house and didn't even tell me?!" She was practically screaming by the end of her rant.

"I know, I'm sorry," I said, shutting the door behind her.

Hayley crossed her arms, "Fine. I forgive you."

I winced, "you shouldn't though."

"Why?" She asked. "Because you slept with my husband? Yeah, I know about that."

I took a step back, prepared for a fight, "I'm so so so sorry. We were drinking. It was dumb, I wanted to tell you but he said he would and... I was avoiding you because I felt guilty and didn't want to apologize until after Jackson had the chance to do it first. But now that you know, feel free to punch me in the face. Because I'm a terrible friend. I'm a complete slut. I'm selfish and stupid and I put our friendship, my relationship with Hope and Klaus in jeopardy. I deeply regret hurting you like this. You deserve better and if you can't ever forgive me or let me see Hope again well... that's fair. It's fine. I screwed up, I have to face the consequences—"

"I forgive you!" She shouted, stopping my rambling.

My brows shot up in shock and I stayed on guard, weary of her at the moment. "What? Why? Huh?" I questioned, confused as hell. There's no way!

"Can we sit and talk?" She asked, chuckling slightly.

She was scaring me. I nodded anyways, gesturing to the living room to our right. The only furniture I currently had in this house was my new king size bed in my bedroom and the two green velvet chairs I bought from a vintage shop Friday after a boxing session with Marcel, who helped me get the accent seats from the store to my new house I signed the deed for on Monday.

I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now