Chapter 9

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I opened my eyes and saw Joe across from my face still sleeping directly across from me. He was so cute when he slept. I really do think I love him. I mean I have never been in love with anyone before. The connection between Joe and I felt different than anything I've had between any guy. I just always want to be around him and I always felt butterflies in my stomach when I was with him. He makes me smile.
I reached over and grabbed my cellphone from my nightstand.
I checked my lock screen to see if I had text messages from the night before.
I saw one from Juniper sent at 1:30 that read 'went out to drinks with sarah' which would explain why she wasn't home when I got back.
Then I noticed the time on my screen. 9:45. "Oh shit." I was supposed to be on set by 10. I immediately popped out of bed. I frantically started putting on clothes when I heard Joe stir awake.
"Hey I thought I wasn't a one night stand, why are you getting dressed?" He said with humor.
I laughed. "I've got to be on set in 15 minutes but June is here so you can stay for a while longer." I said while slipping on a black shirt to match my maroon pants. "Lo siento." I said 'sorry' in spanish which is what I often did when I was joking. I took spanish in high school for 3 years so sometimes I liked to bring it back up.
"Is that Spanish?" He asked me. He rubbed his hands over his eyes. I was frantically pulling my hair into a pony tail.
"Yah it is. Did you take French or something?" I asked while wrapping the elastic around my hair.
"Yep." He stretched a little.
"Do you remember anything?"
"Puis-je utiliser la salle de bain." He said and of course I had no idea.
"What does that mean?"
"Can I use the bathroom." He responded and he laughed a little to himself. "Do you remember any more spanish?"
As he was talking I was wiping off the makeup from last night.
I walked over to him and bent over to his face.
"Tú tienes ojos perfetos." I kissed him quickly and stood back up to grab my purse.
"What does that mean?" He asked.
"You have perfect eyes." I said as I picked up my purse and skipped out my bedroom door. Juniper didn't have any scenes today so she was probably still sleeping in her room.
I headed out to set and got there just in the nick of time.
After a long day I trudged home and plopped down on the couch. Juniper came out of her room eating a carrot.
"So I saw Joe leave this morning." She said as she moved my feet to sit down on the couch.
"Yah" I smiled the 'I'm slightly embarrassed but fuck it I had sex last night' smile.
"Ok Rachel. Get it!" I laughed as she clapped her hands. "So you really like him don't you?"
"I do. I think I may possibly love him." I was surprised I even said that out loud.
"Oh wow. So what are you guys going to do?" She asked a good question. I honestly didn't have an answer. To be honest I was kind of tired of people asking it.
"I don't know honestly." I breathed a deep sigh.
"You know what would make us feel better?" She said as she patted my leg that she was sitting under.
"What?" I asked.
"On our last weekend here let's get Mila and Jasper to fly out here and spend the rest of our time with us." Juniper suggested.
"that sounds really awesome." The thought of seeing Mila and Jasper really perked me up.
"Ok I'll call them." She said as she got back up from the couch.
I was really starting to miss California and I for sure missed Mila and Jasper. And for a minute I forgot about leaving Joe and actually got excited for the end of the month.

Yes I know this is super short but don't worry I have a clear way I want this story to go. I hope you enjoy it. Or don't I mean I've never really written this for any one but myself.

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