Chapter 8

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8: The Misunderstanding

Despite how much he hate to live together with Natasha on the same floor, it didn't stop everyone from helping her moving in to his apartment. He didn't have his things laying around that much because he just woke up and everything from his past was gone except for his belongings in the army.

Stark had everything shipped to the tower and gave Steve a credit card if he wanted to go shopping and buy some 'up-to-date' clothes.

"What's wrong with my clothes?"

"Nothings wrong but your granpa style clothes make you look like a man out of time."

Steve glared at the billionaire but Tony shrugged it off and walked into Natasha's room where Clint and Thor were helping her with the heavy belongings.

"Where shall I put your painting, my lady?" Thor asked.

"You can hang it on that wall." Natasha replied. She was balancing herself on the ladder with one leg as she put her kitten crystal glass on the shelf.

Steve frowned when he saw how every man surrounded her. They gravitated around her like she was the glue that held them together. It must be because of his soulmate instinct that generated all of this territorial feeling toward her. He didn't let it but he couldn't control it.

When the night fell and everyone adjourned to their own floors, Natasha and Steve went to their separate rooms. Somehow the pain began to bubbling underneath their skin but Steve shrugged it off and hit the shower but when he came out, he found Natasha sitting on his bed waiting for him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked harshly and pulled her up from his bed.

"I can't sleep because of the pain." She answered. "So I will sleep here."

"Go back to your room. We will not sleep in the same bed."

"Don't worry, cap. I will not be offended by your morning wood."

Steve frowned, "If you want to stay here, I will go."

"Then I will follow you and we both won't get any sleep tonight."

"Go away. Stop bothering me, woman."

When he uttered that word, Steve was swiftly taken down to the ground by Natasha Romanoff wrapping her thighs around his neck and throwing him down. She landed on her feet gracefully and smirked down at him.

"Just for the sake of living peacefully together, never ever insult me or utter a single word that indicates I am any less than you."

She marched out of his room with her blank expression and that was the first time Steve felt the wrath of the Black Widow. She had been playing nice with him for some times now so this was her time for a little pay back.

Natasha went back to her room but she couldn't sleep. The nagging pain of being separate from her soulmate was something she cannot shut off. She closed her eyes, trying to count from one to one hundred but she couldn't do it.

Then the pain had completely vanished and it took her by her curiosity. Natasha shrugged it off because she was too tired to get on her feet again and slowly let herself drifted into her slumber.


To be honest, this soulmate thing was the only thing she couldn't figure it out. It was the most complicated thing that even the two of the smartest men in the world couldn't figure out. Tony and Bruce couldn't identify the pattern that occurred between Steve and Natasha.

Sometimes they could be at a greater distance away from one another but sometimes they couldn't bear the pain from being away only a few meters. This was the whole new level of soul mates thing they didn't know about.

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