Chapter 13

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13 : The Promise

"Hey! You guys got very nice tans there." That was the greeting received when Steve and Natasha walked into the living area of the Tower. Tony came into their line of sight first, "Did you guys get a naked tan?"

Natasha gave Tony a death stare but Steve's face turned bright red.

"Holy shit! You guys did it!"

"No, we didn't!" Steve suddenly yelled

"It's not your business, Stark!" Natasha yelled also.

"Just tell me!" Tony excitingly shaking both of them, "I need the details so I can imagine it in my head!"

"Stop yelling at each other." Pepper interrupted.

"Steve closes his eyes every time I take my top off."

"Why you are suddenly changing sides?!" Steve asked his soul mate. His face turned bright red again, "Natasha did that to torture me."

"Yeah, seeing him turned all red is my absolute favorite thing."

Everyone was smiling to themselves when they saw the couple bantered with each other and this vacation gave a very nice outcome. Steve and Natasha seemed to bond and begin to learn to live with each other.

"I love to see you guys getting along." Clint said.

"This way you two can bond faster than expected." Bruce agreed.

"Yeah, we're indeed bonding, doctor." Steve told him.

The rest of team had a very good time teasing Steve and Natasha about it until Steve had enough and pulled Natasha back to their floor so they could live in peace.


Steve and Natasha were having a very good sleep together in their bed. Natasha took every advantage she could to snuggle into Steve's chest all night because to be honest, it was very comfortable and he was now dubbed as her personal pillow.

"Captain Rogers, Agent Romanoff, sorry for the interruption but Director Fury is waiting for you at the living area."

"Tell him to wait." Natasha mumbled and nuzzled her face to his neck. Steve reacted by tightening his hold and whispered something sweet to help her got back to sleep, "I need more sleep. My jetlag isn't gone yet."

"But he insisted it is very urgent."

Natasha cursed something in Russian before pushing herself up from the bed. Steve began to stir too. His baby blue eyes were confused as he looked at her. Natasha bent down to kiss his cheek.

"Everything is urgent to him." She said and began to change her clothes to more decent ones.

Steve didn't argue with that but put on his sweats anyway and followed Natasha downstairs. Fury was waiting for them in the living room while the rest of the team gathered around the kitchen and kept their eyes on the director.

Clint was perching on the refrigerator. Tony and Pepper leaned against the kitchen counter and sipped their coffee. Jane was trying to make Thor a pop tart and not to burn the whole tower down when she told him that the toaster needs electricity to operate. Yeah, he charged Mjolnir with his lighting and prepared to discharge it at the toaster. Bruce too was watching Fury with suspicion because he knew the Director only showed up here if there was something serious.

"Hey, boss!" Natasha greeted the man.

"Finally got up, Romanoff. This holiday's throwing you off your routine?"

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