TWENTY SIX - Sengoku period <2>

Start from the beginning

After a while, Toukichirou handed him a taiyaiki- She was hesitant but took it happily. "Wow.. it look delicious." She eyed the ice cream. "Yes! Try it!"

She took a bite of the fish shape - Ice cream filling into her mouth. She licked the access cream of her lips. "Hm.. it's good! Thank you so much!" She covered her mouth when he eyed her eating state.

"We will no longer be accepting any more dancers!" They heard one of the guards announce. They look from the sides seeing tenma and the others - midori and nishiki arueing.

"Let's get back" She said.

They walk towards the group, "If it isn't it tenma and the others" he waved the others.

"Hello everyone!" Miko peaked from behind, "Oh taiyaki! Where do you get that!" Nishiki spoke seeing the desert on her hands.

"Toukichirou-san got me one, you can have it." She handed him who happily accepts. "You don't like it or something?" Nishiki asked between chewing.

She simply shook her head no, "No it's just that I can't finish it, I don't have a sweat tooth."

"Wow thats very surprising considering you look like a person who steals candy from kids."

Toukichirou explained that he wanted a chance of getting a glimpse at nobunaga even from afar.

"Toukichirou-san, we're you given an invitation?"

"No, but it's easy to get using this." He pointed to his head, "But we can't get it anymore."

"So use this" he bumped his forehead - tenma thought for a bit until he smiled turning his head to miko. "Miko-chan! Can you help me with something?" She smirked.



Ha! You weren't able to get in! Tenma of the matsukaze family is so famous for dancing that even the imperial court ask for you?!" She purposely raised her voice faking an reaction.

She sighed, "aiya.. I can't believe skilled dancers such as yourselves would be turned away... dear me I would find that unthinkable!" She peeked towards the guard seeing one of them sweating cold sweat.

"What would Nobunaga-sama have to say when he finds out that he missed seeing your dancing?" She crossed her arms. "Oh! Silly me, I'm so sorry for holding you back.. please go on your way!" She smirked as she heard the investator voice.

"W-wait!" They stopped on thier tracks.

"I-i have made speacial arrangements to give you speacial permission to attend the banquet." Tenma turns to give the girl a thank you smile.

They got inside, miko and wondeba hiding into a bush, while everyone else position to dance. As the "music" started to play, miko looked up to see nobunaga eyeing them suspiciously.

Sooner and after the team were starting to mess up thier moves creating an awkward being. " What are they doing.." Wondeba sweatdropped.

"Is this continue, they'll won't be able to get his aura."

Having an idea in mind, miko stood up carefully making her way at the sides with toukichirou there, "same plan?" She nodded.

He pushed a soccer ball towards tenma feet while he looked at them confused. As seconds later he finally figured out They both went back on hiding.

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