A Promise For Eternity

Start from the beginning

"Don't worry, Mr Miller. Your sister is safe now but If the roads are blocked there then I think I won't be able to reach to you or your home, " He uttered and paused for a while to take a look at her face before completing his words

"So I think I have to take her to my penthouse because it's the closest place from her school, but only if you permit to this, "

A heavy sigh escaped from Nathan's mouth because as a brother, it was difficult for him to trust a stranger with his little sister, who was ill and even unconscious but he knew it ,in those circumstances, it was the most rational and relevant choice because he had no other option than that and besides, somehow Nathan started trusting him because at that moment when nobody was there to help him, he helped him by going out on that weather and searched for her and even found her and that situation had messed everything up so bad for Nathan that he didn't even try to think that question ,that why? Why was he doing all of that for them? Because in that situation, he was like a blessing to him and his sister but only if they knew at what cost.

"Please take care of Seraphina, Mr Grayson. My sister is my everything and I am trusting you with my everything, "

Both the men knew what exactly those words meant. His grey eyes which again trailed to her face after hearing Nathan's words.

"I won't break your trust, Mr Miller. " Those words fluently escaped from his mouth and at that moment, nobody knew that, that promise was going to be for eternity.

"Thank you so much, Mr Grayson. Thank you. I'll try to get back there as soon as the roads will become clear here, "

"Okay, " He hung up the call and drove away.

After a drive of almost 20 minutes, he pulled his car outside his private penthouse. A place where he had never taken anyone before. A place about which nobody knew existed ,except his mother and friend Nicklaus but even they had never visited that place because Arzal had strictly made it completely reserved for him and his privacy.

But today, he went against his own self. Today he broke another rule for her. Today he again made her that exception which he thought he was never going to have until that blue eyes exception came into the picture.

Hoisting her up in his embrace , he was taking her to his room, where he used to live. He placed her carefully on the bed. Seraphina was still unconscious.

He placed his palm over her forehead and noticed she still had a very high temperature which made him sigh because he knew in that weather, no doctor would be able to reach there.

He clutched his wet hairs in exasperation until his eyes fell on her dampened clothes, hairs and body . She was entirely drenched with rainwater and that was making her health worse.

For a brief moment, his gaze stared at her until he finally came to a conclusion. He straight went to his bathroom which was present inside his room.

He hurriedly came out of it after changing his wet clothes and wearing nothing, except his jogger pants while carrying a towel and his shirt in his hand.

His feet halted beside the bed. He placed the towel and his plain black shirt on the bed .

Firstly he removed her shoes and socks. Things he had never done that was lowering his head in front of anyone, except her.

After that, he sat beside her. His hands went to touch her torn white shirt . He knew how wrong and immoral it was but he didn't care less because he knew he had done much worse things than that in his life, besides at that moment, he only cared about her and her health.

He carefully unlatched her shirt away from her body, leaving her cherry red bra on and then touched the hem of her uniform skirt. He unbuckled it and then took it out , letting her matching cherry red panties cover her chastity.

He would lie, if he said that he tried not to look at her because his gaze was shamelessly scanning every detail of her body and she was one hell of a sight for his predacious eyes . Her entire body was glistening with rain drops, making her pale ivory skin look more ethereal and endearing.

He knew he was being a fucked up bastard for even desiring her in that situation but that what he was.

He amiably made her get up and sat on the bed. He leaned her head on his naked chest and then unhooked her bra and retracted it from her body and then took out the only piece of cloth away from her, leaving her stark naked.

And now he was trying his best to not look at her nakedness because he knew the deadly sinner inside him had no morals and ethics and he knew no boundaries at all, especially when it came to those things which he wanted for himself only and unfortunately those azure eyes owner had become one of them.

He grabbed the towel and first patted her cheeks tenderly with it and then roamed it all over her body in order to dry her. He restrained himself from touching her bare skin because he knew the aftermath of it would be terrifyingly dangerous.

He patted her skin dry and then started drying her wet long hair . Her head leaned against his chest and he was wiping her hair with the towel when suddenly she did something which made him stunned.

She surrounded her both arms around his neck and pressed her naked body against his bare chest. Seraphina snuggled her face into his neck and softly breathed out.

"Tinnie, " She murmured,still in her deep consciousness.

He had no clue of what she had just said, neither he wanted to pay attention to it because he was completely focused on feeling her beautiful tenderness embracing his rough hard frame.

He was feeling her warmth without any coverage at that moment. They had no boundaries in between their bodies and he noticed how soft ,tiny and delicate she was feeling, especially against his robust body.

She was like a tender flower growing in the middle of hard rocks. She was like a beautiful rain for a voracious drought. Her existence was like heaven in the arms of that sinner.

She was his gleaming redemption in the form of his darkest sin.

Seraphina rubbed her face against his neck and huffed softly while embracing him more tightly which made his frozen self come back to its senses.

But he made no efforts to push her away because its total opposite thought had evaded into his mind. He lightly tossed his head to get a glimpse of her face and his own breathing started betraying him when his grey eyes fell on her peacefully sleeping face.

Her eyes were shut. Her dark long lashes were falling on her cheeks lightly which had a natural blush of deepest shade of pink. Her pouty plump lips were like delicate petals of dark red rose and he could kill himself just to get a taste of them. Her tiny button nose was standing proudly, holding her tiny silver nose pin .

He had seen much more gorgeous, hot, sexy women and girls than her but he had never seen such a mesmerizing and enchanting alluringness in his life ever before. She had bewitched him and trapped him in the spell of her beautiful innocence.

She was like a normal average teenager for any other gaze but for that pair of silver eyes, she was a merciless enchantress who showed no mercy to him before capturing his existence into her cage of innocuousness and made him her captive forever.

His lips stretched into a deadly grin by keenly gazing at her face and at that second, he completely understood and accepted one thing that she should be his and had to be only his because she had imprinted him and now he would make her his , no matter how many forbidden boundaries he had to cross for that. She would be his and was always going to belong to him in every possible way and he sealed that promise forever by pressing his lips over her nose pin featherly ,and tenderly whispered those words to her which merged their fates in the most forbidden way for eternity.

"My Princess, "

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