Nicky got kicked away and pinned to the ground. The man pulled out his gun and put it in his mouth. I turned away so I didn't have to see the shot. Joe yelled and moved to attack. With him distracting the solider I came up behind him and wrapped my belt around the mans neck. My legs locked around his body and I continued to cut off his air supply. 

He stood up and tried to slam me into a wall, but my grip was firm. He weakly tried again, but the lack of oxygen was getting to him. In a last-ditch effort, he pulled out a knife and stabbed me in the leg,  I loosened just enough for him to gain the leverage to sling me into the wall. 

He looked at the three of us, coughing as he did, before turning and running out of the hole in the wall they created. 

I looked at Joe, and we both converged quickly on Nicky. I checked his pulse while Joe caressed his face. 

Nicky started gagging and coughing as his pulse began again in a frantic rhythm. I jumped and Joe sighed in relief. 

"Let's go. Andy." He didn't waste a second, grabbing a gun.

I grabbed a gun from the ground as well, pulling the knife out of my leg and tucking it in my sleeve. 

"Come on. Come on. Come on." Joe pushed both of us out of the door. 

We left, and fighting could be heard in the distance. I changed directions and the boys followed me. We arrived just in time to watch Andy beating the hell out of a guy twice her size.

When he was on the ground, I started walking, finally able to catch her voice. "Where's Merrick?"

We all surrounded the guard and looked down on him threateningly. I discreetly looked at Andy's side, something that didn't go unnoticed by her. 

He seemed to realize he wasn't getting out of this. "Penthouse." He grunted out. 

All of us looked up, the wheels still turning. 

"What do you think? Oslo, '67?" Joe suggested. 

Shit I was young, I was not there for that particular year, and I had not heard that story. 

Andy shook her head. "São Paulo, '34. Nile's with me."

I smiled, I knew that one! It was a favorite of theirs. 

"What happened in São Paulo in 1934?" Nile asked confused. 

"1834." Andy corrected, her signature smirk on her face. "You'll see." She started to walk off, Nile hot on her heels. 

I followed the boys, skipping as I did. They all looked at me amused but didn't question it. 

"Can I go through the window?" I begged, puppy dog eyes on full display. 

Booker looked back at me. "No." 

"Please!" I begged. "I've always wanted to do this!" 

Joe patted me on the back, panting slightly from all the stairs. "Only one person needs to go, and it should be someone with experience" He took a deep breath and tried to look away from my sad face.

I pouted but didn't say anything else. They would break eventually.

"Sunshine..." Nicky started. "You can go second." 

My smile returned. "Nicky is my favorite." We stopped at the door, and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

The others grumbled but Nicky smiled, "Hear that Joe! I'm her favorite!" 

Booker cleared the corner, and we moved onto the roof. 

"They left rope for us and everything." I drawled, still keeping my gun up.

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