Chapter 24

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-Surrey, England-

*Third-Persons POV*

Copley sat in his office, head cradled in his hands. His head was throbbing, and he wasn't sure if it was from the blow, or the guilt that was amassing. He knew he messed up, but he had no clue how to make it right. 

Nile was slowly moving through the upper level of the house, about to walk in on him. Her conscious won, and she knew she would never be able to sleep soundly again if she didn't help Andy and the others. They risked themselves to help her, and it was about time she returned the favor. 

She trained her gun on Copley, and he stood up abruptly, trying to reach for the weapon by his feet. 

Nile kicked it away from him. "Uh-uh." Copley backed away cautiously, hands in view. "Are you Copley?" She asked harshly.

Copley scoffed. "He sent you to finish me off."

"Who?" She demanded. She took notice of the blood soaked into the carpet. "Where's Andy and Booker?"

"Who are you?" Copley kept his hands up. 

Nile took a deep breath before pointing the gun at her foot. She fired it and yelled immediately. "Son of a bitch!" She exclaimed, taking deep breaths. 

Copley watched in shock as her foot healed. He pointed weakly. "You're another one."

Nile raised her gun at him again. "Yeah. I'm new." She moved forward again. "Where are they?"

"They're in a lab..." He didn't hesitate. "being tested." Nile looked at him with thinly masked disgust. "Tortured." He amended. "Merrick, he only cares about her immortality, not what she's done with it."

"What she's done with it?" Nile repeated. 

He led her to the board. "Montenegro, 1916. She saved a family of refugees whose daughter would discover the technique for the early detection of diabetes." He moved. "This one, Her grandson would save 317 people from the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. This guy... This man prevented an accidental nuclear exchange in 1978 and likely saved civilization as a result." He moved over to notably thinner board. "Noella... In 1999 she took down a number of Human trafficking rings. Ten of those survivors have spoken at the UN in an effort to crack down on it." He looked over all of the boards. "The famous... and the unknown names." Nile hesitantly lowered her gun as she took in the meaning. "They save a life, two, three generations later, we reap the benefits."

Nile gasped quietly. "She's in it. She can't see it." She looked at him accusingly. "But you could. You could and you gave them up."

"I thought it could be the end of disease." Nile gave him a stern look. "I thought it could be the end of suffering." He started to get choked up. "She couldn't talk... at the end, my wife." Niles expression softened slightly. "She couldn't breathe. I couldn't do anything. It was supposed to be a gift... to the world." 

"It wasn't your gift to give." Nile said firmly.  

"Why would the immortality end?" Copley questioned guiltily. 


"She wouldn't stop bleeding." Copley looked at the spot he watched Andy only hours ago. 

"Is she alive?" Nile spoke urgently, allowing her worry to be heard. 

"I know where they are." Copley looked at her with resolve. 

They arrived at the lab, and Copley got Nile in without being seen. She looked around the hallway. 

"There's not any cameras in here. That's how he gets people in and out unseen." Copley explained.

"How many shooters on site?" Nile began taking out her weapons, making sure to check all the clips. 

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