Chapter 10

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*Noella's POV*

They all woke up early for what could be either the best or worst day of her life. None of them slept well. How could you when you knew that everything could go wrong?

The plan was near perfect, if it worked. That was a risk Noella would be willing to take alone, having someone else's life at risk was new territory for her. She did it, so they didn't have to, now her new friends were as tangled up as she was. If Noella got captured they could save her before any damage was done. She was already wanted, want more could they do? If any of the others got captured that made two members of the team will probably end up with a red notice. As of right now the others were in the clear, and she intended to keep it that way.  

The added risk had Noella on edge, to the point that she was putting all the focus on her. Everything she was going to do today was chosen carefully. Her outfit screamed old money, the kind that radiates power. 

She was in a long fur coat with an expensive dress underneath and heals that made her four inches taller. Her jewelry had been picked specifically for this outfit, all the way down to the gold pins in her right bun. 

Every thief within a mile radius would be watching her, but the KGB and CIA would not. Another rule of being on the run is not to draw attention to yourself; they know that and so do she. People on the run dress like they don't want to be seen, thats who agents will look for. 

Today when people look at her they are just going to think she's some rich bitch and pass her along. It was exactly what she was going for. 

She had upgraded her luggage to a big handbag. Most of her important things were in there, so if she needed to run at least she would have the basics. The rest was tucked into the bags of the others. Including her gorgeous daggers. Man I already miss them

The minute she emerged from the kitchen she could tell the situation bothered them. They were not the best at hiding feelings. They may not be the ones throwing themselves into danger, but each of them were tense. Honestly, their lack of faith is what bothered her the most about this whole situation. This is just another day at work for her. 

"For the tenth time, yes, I know what I'm doing, and no, I don't want to back out. Please stop asking, we've got this." Noella finally snapped. Could they not understand that? If she had to answer those same questions one more time, she might actually lose it. 

"Believe it or not. I have done this before, and your nerves aren't going to make this go smoother. So have a cup of coffee and leave me be." She huffed, leaving the room to adjust her costume. 

She could hear their conversations start immediately after she left. It passed through the door and it kind of reinforced her point. She didn't know if it was some protective instinct they all have because of her age, or just an overall lack of faith in her. Either way it bothered her immensely.

"Are we sure she can do this? She is a child." Booker hissed. 

"We have to trust her Book. She is one of us now. If we expect her to trust us, we need to trust her." Joe spoke quietly, almost as if he was scared she would hear them. 

Yeah, this trust thing is working out great. Whatever, she had enough confidence on her own. She was not going to waste the energy it takes trying to gain theirs.

Noella was ready over an hour ago. She just needed them to sort out whatever was holding them back. Hesitation gets you killed. She should know. Instead of sharing her feelings, she just walked towards the window and opened it, slightly leaning out of it, taking in the fresh air she desperately needed.

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