Chapter 25

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*Noella's POV*

Gunshots led me in the right direction, and the closer I got the more bodies I found. 

I turned a corner and ran into Nicky, who was covering their flank. 

I felt a pain in my stomach, and I gasped. I looked up angrily grabbed the barrel of his gun and pointed it away from me. "What the hell man?" I raised my own weapon and shot an incoming guard over his shoulder. 

"Sorry." He said sheepishly, pushing me in front of him in their line, putting me behind Andy and Nile. 

I raised my pistol and as we moved through an empty lab. I stayed silent this time. Andy turned and glanced at me, smiling slightly before turning her focus forward. 

We lined up at a door before Joe opened it, Booker and Nile entering first, they engaged the first two soldiers, still moving forward. 

I focused on my guy. I ran forward, dropping down at the last moment to get a shot under his helmet. He fell with a thud, and I trained my gun on Andy's guy, just in case. She threw him back, and I used my angle to shoot between his armor. 

I stood up, and my eyes swept the room, dropping my clip in the process and sliding one of my backup's in as the others cleared the bodies.  

We all lined up on a wall, with multiple doors. I was between Andy and Joe. Nile and Booker took the edge. 

I faced Andy and gently pulled up her shirt. "Let me see." 

She complied and I assessed her wound. "I wish we could stop so I could re-bandage. The doctor did a shit job." 

She chuckled but shook her head. "I'm all yours after."

"You better be." 

Joe looked over at Andy. She nodded and stood up with me staying close to her. It was at that moment another explosion went off. 

I barely managed to grab Andy and tilt our bodies, so I took the majority of the fall and explosion. 

I know Joe was also thrown, because he was right beside me, but I had no clue about the others. "Andy..." I groaned, relaxing my arms that were around her waist. 

She grunted in response, and I weakly pushed myself up. Coughing could be heard from all around us, but my prime focus was on covering Andy. 

"Man! Andy!" Booker called out and began running towards us. 

I heard more gunshots, so I put my body between the sound and Andy. "Over here!" I yelled. 

Nile and Booker made it over and started pulling us up. "Joe, Nicky, we're moving out!"He coughed some more. 

"I'll get them. Keep her safe." I looked around for my gun but couldn't find it. I pulled out one of my stashed knives started moving. 

I stayed low and ended up near Joe's unconscious form. I coughed some more but continued. "Wake up!" I smacked him. I saw Nicky on the other side of him.

I groaned as a shot hit me near my heart, causing me to drop. "Fuck." I gasped out, coughing more as the gas did it's job. 

The soldier emerged from the smoke and kicked Nicky in the face. 

I tried to push myself up, but fell to the ground again. Fuck. Heal faster!

I felt the bullet moving out as I tried to get up again, he was still paying attention to Nicky, so I went unnoticed. Joe started waking up, but I was already in the process of standing. 

I ran forward and tackled him to the ground, punching him in the face when we landed. He flipped us and tried to pin me. Nicky came up behind him and pulled him off, having the upper hand, he was able to rip the mask off of him. 

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