Chapter 8

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*Third Persons POV*

The entire team sat in silence, all eyes were on the sleeping girl, almost as if they feared they would blink and she would disappear. 

Their thoughts were far less silent and each of them were picturing the many possible reactions that could be coaxed out of their guest. They did kidnap her after all.

Joe was the only one who had found humor in the entire interaction. Not only did Booker get his ass handed to him by a teenager, it happened while she was fighting Nicky as well. When the team arrived back at the little apartment with the girl nestled in Nicky's arms, he noticed their disheveled state and immediately demanded to know what happened. He was worried someone else joined the chase for the girl, boy he couldn't have been more wrong. When Nicky told him what had happened, he could hardly contain his laughter. Even Booker couldn't hide how much damage was done to his pride in that little interaction.

Andy was in her own world; she was impressed with how well Noella had handled herself against the boys, and she was certain that skill could be improved with some more instruction. That was only if they could get her to sit still enough for them to explain everything. She was most worried about another fight breaking out than Noella escaping. She was snapped out of her thoughts by Nicky getting up from his seat. 

He walked over towards the cabinet and grabbed a big blanket before carefully draping it over her sleeping figure and walking to the kitchen to start cooking. He hated waiting, so he was going to keep his hands busy in the meantime. The sedative wasn't going to wear off for a few hours anyways. Joe got up to help him, leading to the others breaking off to do small tasks. If she woke up and they were staring at her it would only freak her out more.

*Noella's POV*

Ugh, my head, she thought.

Her eyes wouldn't open, and everything was fuzzy. She could barely form a coherent thought, let alone move of her own accord, so she allowed the warmth to consume her again and tried to go back to sleep. 

Noella heard a chuckle come from somewhere, yet she didn't really care. It was like nothing made sense, and every though flew through her mind without making any solid impacts.

When sleep successfully eluded her, she was finally more aware of her surroundings. 

The first thing she noticed was the soft chattering coming from behind her. Two men were talking sweetly to each other in Italian, obviously she met the Italian man, but the other one had such a kind sounding voice. She almost felt bad about listening, however Italian was one of her favorite languages and they kidnapped her. So she believed she deserved a pass.

She could hear signs of life from the other two, however she could not place them in a specific point. Their movements were quiet and light, and her senses were not recovered enough for her to learn more.

Noella wasn't stupid, she knew that no matter how well of a fight she put up, they would win. Four on one was bad odds, even for her. With her favorite option off the table, all she could do was hear them out and hope they didn't kill her. 

She laid there for several more minutes, trying to figure out how her life ended up like this. After realizing she was screwed from the start she opened her eyes.

She sat up slowly, trying not to make any sudden movements that would get her sedated again. After stretching she started to look around the room. 

The men stopped talking and put their full attention on Noella while she continued to observe everything. Her eyes finally landed on the other two, 'Book' had a gun in his hand, it appears he had been cleaning it. The woman was by the window, likely keeping watch for suspicious activity. If they were waiting for her to speak first that was not happening,

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