Chapter 7

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*Third persons POV*

"Okay, we have a general area of where she should be. Joe, you are staying behind. The rest of us will stay within range of each other and comb the streets. Any questions?" Andy asked.

The rest of the team shook their heads and went to prepare for their day while Joe plopped down on the couch to pout. He still wasn't happy about being the odd one out on this Op, despite understanding the solid reasoning behind it. 

They were preparing themselves for a mission. Joe was preparing to wait. 

"We are leaving in five everyone." Booker said with enthusiasm. He was ready to meet their mystery girl. Kidnap is the correct term but he really didn't care about that little detail just yet. 

"I think we should try and use a sedative rather than kill her. If we kill her, she will just revive in a minute and restart the fight. She doesn't strike me as someone who gives up easily." Nicky said while packing a book bag. "That is if she knows what has happened to her." 

"If that's the case, she should share with the class." Booker grumbled and Andy smacked him.

"She also doesn't seem to be very trusting either. I doubt she will be cooperative either way," Joe continued the thought, throwing an unamused expression at Booker. Despite being the youngest, he acts like a grumpy old man. 

None of them really liked that little thought, and they all felt in ended the meeting on a sour note, but they started moving to the exit just the same. More uncertain than they were before. 

*Noella's POV*

Noella hid in the coffee shop longer than she had planned. She needed to get the adrenaline out of her system, so she could make a sound decision. However, it didn't stop her from funneling Caffeine in her body to replace the loss. 

She had already changed out of her school-girl attire and back into her dress from the train. She needed a low-profile, and sweet country girl seemed to do the trick. Even if men seemed to like the outfit a little too much. 

The worst part of the down time was the planning that came with it. There were a million ways out of the city, most regulated, some not. The problem with the nots was the sketchy people you had to deal with to make it happen. Add in the fact that the CIA had a hand in almost all of them... Let's just say luck really wasn't on her side. 

Right now her best bet was a train. It had plenty of cameras and facial recognition software, but she could get around that with a good disguise and innocent demeanor. Planes had a much stricter level of security, and she was not ready to put my passport to the test in a place she couldn't easily escape. There was also an abundance of trains going in and out of Moscow, they can't watch all of them closely. 

When she had a decent enough plan she packed her bag and moved towards the exit.

She didn't have to turn to know she was being watched, they were practically advertising it. She noticed the man first, mid-40's wearing sunglasses and a hat. The outfit screamed 'I don't want to be noticed', and naturally she did. He was familiar, in I've seen you on the street type of way, yet Noella didn't believe in coincidences. He was here for her. 

She kept her face calm and breathing even. There were no cops, that meant they weren't Russians. That or they were hoping she would lead them somewhere. Emmy smiled at a couple and used the opportunity to scan the remainder of the area. 

She found a woman short black hair, also familiar, and also staring at her intently. She appeared to be reading a book on the bench across the street, yet her eyes never met the page, and from the looks of it she wasn't even done with five pages. Noella had been found. 

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