"That's what you get for calling me weak." I try to push down a smile, faux offence plastering my face, but the sight of Eddie pouting like a child is too cute to keep up my act.

"Look at you pouting like a toddler. So cute." I coo, throwing the pillow back, hitting Eddie in the face with a soft thump.

He rolls his eyes and places the pillow back where it belongs, mumbling something about how I'm lucky I'm so attractive. I chuckle to myself and walk towards the bed, reaching my hand out for Eddie to take.

"We should probably go downstairs. Robin and Vickie are still here and if they're awake I do not hold it past Robin to accidentally burn my house down trying to cook."

He laughs and takes my hand, allowing me to pull him up, and I bring him into a hug, suddenly feeling  extremely clingy. We stand for a minute, us holding each other, before Eddie pulls away slightly at looks at me. I get so lost in his wide doe eyes I hardly process what he says.

"Not that I don't love this...because I do, but didn't you say you wanted to go down stairs?"

I sigh dramatically, "Fineee, if you wanna get away from me so bad."

Eddie glares at me and pulls awat completely, smacking my arm gently. "We have all the time in the world to cuddle. Let's go down and make sure Robin isn't causing property damage."

My mind lingers on "we have all the time in the world." Does he really mean that? I decide this was too new to ask questions like that, and nod my head.

"Alright alright." I grab Eddie's hand once again and lead him out of my room and down the stairs.

Just as we assumed, Robin and Vickie were hanging out in the kitchen, laughing as Vickie stands by the stove, making...pancakes? I wasn't sure, but it smells really good.

As we walk into the kitchen, I make our presence known. "Hey guys, good morning."

"Good morning!" Eddie parrots, smiling sweetly.

Vickie and Robin turn around to greet us, and I'm quite surprised by what I see. On the counter behind Robin sits a plate of bacon, and next to it a large tray of pancakes.

I look at Vickie, "Woah, Did you make this?"

She shifts her gaze over to me, following my eyes to look at the food on the counter. "Oh yeah! I felt like some good breakfast would be nice! I also wanted to compensation you for allowing us to use your guest bedroom." She adds that last part shyly.

"Dude that's awesome. It's nice to finally have another person in the friend group that can make more tham toast." I see Robin and Eddie staring me down and quickly add, "Shut up, you guys know it's true."

Vickie grins, happy to be considered part of the group.

After some more small talk, the pancakes are all ready and we all dig in. Of course Robin makes a dribbling mess of syrup, and Vickie laughs as she attempts to help clean it up. Eddie and I watch amused, still holding hands under the table.

I lean over and whisper in Eddies ear, "Should we tell her?"

He looks back and forth between me and Robin, who has finally cleared all the syrup off of her face and was now working on cleaning her hands.

"Now's as good a time as ever." He confirms, "Robin, we have something to tell you."

Robin pauses the violent scrubbing of her hands and looks over at us, "Oh god neither of you are pregnant are you?" She dead pans.

A laugh forces its way out of my mouth and I slap my hand over my face, bending over in a fit of giggles. Eddie rolls his eyes and pats my back, "No Robin. We aren't pregnant." he begins, glancing at me to make sure I haven't died of laughter. I straighten my back and take a deep breath, slightly embarrassed I found that as funny as I did. Once Eddie sees I'm okay, he continues. "Yesterday when you guys went up to the guest bedroom," He glances at me and I nod, encouraging him to keep going, "We uh. Well we kissed."

It's Robins turn to smack a hand her her mouth in surprise. She looks at Vickie, then looks back at us and she shoves herself up out of her seat. Vickie flinches a bit at her quick movement, and smiles at her girlfriends excitement.

"FINALLY." Robin practically screams.

"Hey that's what I thought too." Eddie snickers, pulling me closer and leaning his head on my shoulder.

"God that's amazing! I'm happy for you guys!" Vickie responds, pulling Robin back down, rubbing her back in an attempt to calm her down.

"Yeah that's awesome! Are you guys a thing or what?" Robin asks, cutting straight to the point.

I nod my head, placing my arm around Eddies shoulders. "Yep. We made it official last night."

Vickie has to physically hold Robin down in her seat as she fan girls over the news. "Robin please.  You're gonna hurt yourself."

Eddie smiles fondly at Robins response. I feel like we both knew she'd be supportive immediately, but such a positive reaction is really comforting.

Eventually (with the help of Vickie) Robin calms down, mirroring Eddie by leaning her head against Vickie's shoulder.

"I'm really happy for you guys. I hope you're both happy too." She cracks a grin, stuffing another forkful of pancakes in her mouth.

I look down at Eddie and kiss the top of his head, gaze remaining on him as he moves to look up at me.

After a moment of eye contact, I look back at Robin with a soft feeling spreading through my chest.

"Yeah. We're really happy."

(A/N- lolll forgot to post this yesterday i am so sorry 😭, i definitely feel this story is coming to a close. A few more chapters and then I think I'll end it cuz I don't wanna drag the story on for too long. But don't worry, I have a lot of other fic ideas stored, so another story will probably come out either before this one ends or directly after. They're definitely gonna be a lot shorter from now on bc im working on summer work now, AP things :')) anyways thanks so much for reading and leaving such lovely comments. I appreciate you all dearly <3)

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