Chapter 1

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I wake up to the next door neighbors dog barking; its only 8 in the morning and I worked late at my sister Penny's bar last night

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I wake up to the next door neighbors dog barking; its only 8 in the morning and I worked late at my sister Penny's bar last night. She was kind enough to give me a job after graduating college, it's been hard finding a job. The choices are overwhelming and I'm never sure if I really want to move across the country for a career I could resent until I'm 40. Smashing a pillow on my head trying to drown the dog out, I can hear Penny making breakfast. Why is she up so early?

I roll out of bed my feet hitting the cold wooden floor, dragging myself to to the kitchen I see the Amelia was awake too. She was sitting on the counter behind Penny who was at the stove cooking eggs. They were arguing about something and Amelia looked like she was really stressed "Mom please I really like this guy" she pleads.

"You're too young Amelia, I didn't start dating until I was a junior in High School" Penny replies dumping eggs on to three separate plates that were already served with sausage and toast.

"That's a lie if I have ever heard one" I smirk grabbing a plate and sitting at the kitchen table.

"Y/N you're not helping here" Penny groans putting her hand on her hip.

Amelia jumps off the counter carrying three glasses and orange juice and joins me at the table. "Aunt Y/N please tell mom she is being unreasonable" she plops down on the chair next to me with a frown.

"You know Amelia your mom is being reasonable, how about you just ask him to come over and watch a movie here. You know where you can be supervised" I suggest reaching over and pouring myself a glass of orange juice. Amelia sighs and begins eating her breakfast in silence.

"Hey Y/N can you open for me tomorrow night? I have to run by the bank before the boys come in we need more cash for the tills." Penny asks joining us at the table with a pot of coffee, handing Amelia her plate of food.

"Yeah that seems manageable. Can I leave early tonight then?" I try to negotiate with her. Penny just stared at me trying to decide. "oh come on I have been working over time for the last month, the least you can do is let me go home a few hours early?" I beg.

"Okay fine, I guess just this once" She replies setting the coffee pot down on the table.


Its a busy night at the bar, only 11:00pm and people were already drunk. I see Penny keeps talking to her old boy toy Maverick, who for some reason is in town. I see more men walk in with tan uniforms joining a group over at the pool tables, my eyes follow them as I see the only girl there is arguing with some guy probably over a misogynistic comment he made . Looking at the rest of the group my eyes met with another man there, he has silver glasses and short, clean hair. The man looks away embarrassed when he realizes I caught him staring.

I walk over to the group and begin gathering empty glasses around them

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I walk over to the group and begin gathering empty glasses around them. Glancing over I see the same man nervously looking at me while sipping from his glass, blushing he looks away when we make eye contact again. As I go to pick up the last glass an older man who is a regular at the bar comes up to me "What can I do for you Big John?" I ask turning my attention to him.

"You can come home with me tonight" he slurs his words, leaning against the table to keep him upright. I could tell he was more drunk than usually and was not afraid to obviously check me out. I begin to pull my apron down trying to cover myself. Cautiously I reply "Oh John you know I can't do that, but I can get you a cup of coffee to sober you up". I try to walk back to Penny manning the bar, maybe she'll notice and help me get him out of here. John begins to follow me to the bar "Oh come on pretty lady just this once? I already asked nicely" disgusted by his persistence I walk behind the counter trying to put a physical barrier between us. "John you know the rules, disrespect the bartender and you get kicked out" I say pointing to the sign next to me.

Defeated John walks away "You'll change your mind pretty lady" he says over his shoulder to me. I let out a big sigh and walk up to Penny "Hey I am going to take out the trash I'll be right back". She nods to me as I grab the bag from the can and head toward the back door. Kicking it open I can feel the cool ocean breeze hitting my face helping me cool off from the tense situation. Opening the lid for the dumpster a hand reaches out and grabs my wrist. Gasping I look to see who it is.

Big John.

"Have you changed your mind yet?" Big John asks grabbing a tight hold on my wrist. Struggling to release myself from his grip I reply "John you're drunk, go home before you do something stupid."

"Oh don't worry I know exactly what I want to do" He states licking his lips. Scared as I realize what he is about to do, I punch him in the nose. "Fuck!" he screams reaching up with both hands to grab his nose. Ignoring the shooting pain in my hand I take this as my chance to run when I feel his hands grab both of my shoulders and pull me to the ground behind him. Crawling away from him tears begin to well up in my eyes. I need to run but my knees are too shaky, I can't scream for help because my throat is closing up from the fear. I'm helpless on my back, maybe I can use John being drunk to my advantage. Just as he was about to step closer to me, a fist punches him across the face.

John stumbles against the brick wall and the man punches him again knocking him out cold. I look to see who the fist belonged to and it was the same man in silver glasses from earlier. Shaking his fist he looks at me and gently asks "Hey are you okay?". Offering his hand to me I take it and stand up "Yeah I'm okay, thanks" embarrassed I wipe my tears from my face quickly and brush off my legs. "I had it handled, I didn't need you to knock him out for me." I stated looking back at John before walking past the man who helped me.

Defensively he put his hands up turning towards me "Hey I was just trying to help". I turn around to face him, shaking and rubbing the hand I punched John with. Before I could reply He continues "Is your hand okay?".

Walking up to me he looks down at my hand. "Yeah it should be fine" I say blushing as he gently placed my hand in his, inspecting my knuckles. Pulling my hand away he looks up and meets my eyes "It just needs some ice is all" I continued nervously.

"You're going to need more than ice if it's broken. At least let me take a look" he offers "I do have a little medical training" motioning to his uniform and letting out a light chuckle slightly embarrassed.

Laughing a little another tear rolls down my cheek, brushing it away I reply "Okay fine, uh- we have a first aid kit in the back" I point behind me, then turning to walk back inside.

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