Start from the beginning

"Let's go over this one more time...phase one" Nancy said in the RV, turning to the rest of us. "We meet Erica at the playground, she will signal max and Lucas when we're ready" "phase two" "Max baits Vecna, he will go after her, which puts him in his trance" "phase three?" "Y/n, Eddie, and I distract the bats" "four" "we head into a newly bat free lair and...flambé" Robin said softly, picking up the bottle. "Nobody moves on to the next phase until we all copy. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?" Nancy asked, "got it" everyone answeres. And with that, Nancy drives the RV to Eddies trailer park. While you were sitting in the back, you were silent. Eddie grabbed your hand, he didn't say anything, he just comforted you in silence.

You and Eddie walked to his RV..well ran. You followed behind him and Steve behind you, he turned on the lights before you all grouped around the gate. Steve went first, climbing up the sheet, and trying to flaunt when he didn't need the matress and landed on his feet. You heard Nancy and Robin talking about it, but you weren't paying attention. You could feel your heart beating like it was being squeezed, your breath shortened as you looked at the sheet infront of you. You walked up and grabbed the sheet but your hand was shaking. You took a deep breath in.

There's no time to be scared, plus you're a superhero

You reminded yourself. You climbed up and landed on the mattress, Steve helping you get up. You both waited for the others, watching them all fall and you both helped them up, picking up the weapons that dropped. You all headed outside. "Hey guys, listen" Steve said, infront of you, Eddie, and Dustin. "If things here start to go south, I mean, at all. You abort. Okay? Draw the attention of the bats keep 'em busy for a minute or two. We will take care of Vecna" he said looking at the boys before he turned to you. "Don't try to be cute, or be a hero or something. Okay? You guys are just-"

"Decoys! Don't worry. You can be the hero, Steve" Dustin rolled his eyes. "Absolutely. I mean, look at us. We are nottt heroes" Eddie said, dustin was quite offended, actually. Steve nods at all of you, before walking up to you, he looked at you, putting his lips together before whispering in your ear. "I need you back at home. Don't do anything stupid. I'm begging you" he wrapped his arms around you, lovingly. You did the same, he put his hand on the back of your head and sat there for a minute, holding you really tight. "Don't you have somewhere to be, Harrington" Eddie said, sending Steve a glare. Steve sent back daggers, really needing this moment, because truth is, anything could happen.

He let you go and gave you a kiss on the forehead. You looked, watching them all walk off, "hey, Steve?" Eddie said, making Steve turn around, "make him pay" Eddie nodded his head and so did steve, and now it was time for the plan to start. You were waiting for them ontop of the trailer, keeping a lookout before they came racing ontop too. You laughed before it was time to get serious, Dustin plugged in the guitar and sat next to you. "Chrissy, this is for you" he muttered, ripping off his necklace before shredding the guitar. You smiled while watching him play, dustin was amazed, head bopping. You took out your Polaroid and snapped a picture of him, before hearing the swarm of bats. Dustin took binoculars and looked at the swarm of bats. "Eddie!" He yelled over the guitar. Eddie looked over while still playing, "we gotta lock down in t-minus 30 seconds!" He yelled again, Eddie nodded before focusing on playing again.

"T-minus 20!"
"T-mines 10!"

And with that Eddie dropped the guitar, you waited for them to drop down. You all raced, "GO! GO!" "SHIT! SHIT! HURRY! Y/N SHUT IT!" Dustin exclaimed, you closed it and went inside the trailer, closing the front door. You took a deep breath and held onto your knees. "Dude, most metal EVERRRRRR!" "Oh my, Oh MY GOD" they hopped around like kids, hollering at cheering. You took a seat in the ground. Before you heard screeching and thrashing from the swarm. "They're on the roof" Eddie muttered. "Hey dipshits! Give up that easy, huh!" "Shut up dustin!" You yelled. You all went back to back. "Is that really necessary?" Eddie asked, you heard a thump, a dent in the roof. "Holy shit" you muttered. "Shit shit shit, that's bad" Dustin said, "that's really bad!". They followed where the sound was coming from before they saw a vent. "They can't get through there, can they?" But dustins question was quickly answered when a bat popped through the vent and screeched at you all. You grabbed a stick and stabbed them while dustin and Eddie did the same, dustin shouting at them, telling them to die while you were just flabbergasted. You could just laugh right now, because what the hell are you doing right now? Fighting bats? Underground? This is too much. You dropped the stick and laid your hands out, closing your eyes and focusing on ripping the bats apart. Whines from the bats were heard, you opened your eyes and Eddie took a shield, pushing in the vent. "Holy shit, holy shit!" "Nice" Dustin complimented. "Thanks" they did a high five. "Are there other vents?" Dustin asked, Eddie replied with an "oh shit" you ran after them to the door to shut it and run back to the sheets. "That's not gonna hold!" Dustin yelled. "Let's go! Let's gooo!" Eddie said, telling Dustin to go up the sheets, so he did. "Eddie you go! I got it!" You said, standing infront of the door. "Y/n! Go! I got it" Eddie argued. You turned back to him, "go!" You yelled. He pursed his lips, looking at you and muttering a "shit"

INNOCENT ♥︎ EDDIE MUNSONWhere stories live. Discover now