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"Y/NNNNN" Dustins mouth became agape as silent tears left his eyes and rolled down his cheek.

"Hey! Her legs are going down!" Max yelled, your leg slowly went down. Robin sat outside, crying, she couldn't watch. Lucas just watched in shock. While Eddie just looked ahead of him, before max said it. Everyone turned at watched your leg slowly go down. Steve watched, his cheeks flushed red, sniffling as he watched your leg go down. And suddenly-


Your body dropped down from against the RV roof. "Y/n?" Steve asked, you landed on the floor, face first. You turned to the side and you started crying, Steve came down to his knees while Eddie watched in shock. Steve brought you to him, laying your head on his chest while you cried holding onto his arm. Your eyes are closed and your stomach turned. How can this be my reality? You thought. You held onto his arm and cried harder, "y/n, you're okay now. You're safe, it's okay. Shhhh" Steve continued. You only held on tighter, before opening your eyes. You looked up at him, trying to breath. But when you looked at him, his eyebrows furrowed. His arms tensed, "Y/n? Can you see?" Steve said, holding the sides of your face. You could see everyone behind you, shock gone and now confusion. You nodded. Eddie covered your right eye. "How about now?" You looked around before nodding.

"W-what's wrong?" You asked, taking Eddies hand and holding it. Although you were basically still in Steve's arms, Eddie wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest, kissing your head. You let go of Eddie and Steve, calming down and standing up to sit down on the couch. "Y/n?" Dustin asked, coming through and sitting next to you. He wiped his tears away and you looked at him. "Yeah?" "What happened?" "What's wrong with her eye?" Nancy asked Steve and Eddie, they both shrugged. You looked at Nancy, "what's wrong with my eye?" You asked. "It's..white. Like completely white" Nancy said, going past Eddie and Steve and bending down infront of you. Dustins mouth slowly began to open, "you're connected to Vecna!" "I'm what-" "oh no. Let's not do this right now, can we just accept the fact that she's here-" "wait! Maybe dustins onto something" Nancy cut Eddie off. Eddie wiped his face with his hands while Steve brought his knees up to his chest.

"Maybe, Vecna left something on you by accident" Dustin said. He turned to Steve and Eddie, "does anyone have like a towel? Or something" Dustin asked, Eddie handed him his handkerchief. "Maybe she can go back-" "woah! No way! No!" Steve interrupted, "put this around your eyes" "STOP!" Steve yelled, "we have to see! This can be important!" "She almost died, give her a break" Eddie mumbled. Standing up and walking over, sitting next to you. "Just ask her if she can do it" Nancy said, "can you do it?" Dustin asked, holding up the cloth. "Do what? Sure" you replied, shrugging. Dustin lifted the handkerchief and put it around your eyes, "is it pitch black?" Dustin asked.

"Wait- you don't think she has some kind of, super power do you?" Steve asked, confused, he let out an unbelieveable chuckle, "just leave it alone, this is enough!" Steve said, still sitting on the ground. "Yes, it is pitch black dustin" you muttered. "Okay, just think about Vecnas mind, do you remember it?" He asked, you nodded, thinking about it. "Just keep thinking about it, but stay calm and be careful. Meditate" you were confused but you shook it off, now thinking about the place. You pictured it as if you were there, and your body started tingling, your heart started pulsing. Your eyes went from corner to corner until-

"I can't do it" you said, snatching off the handkerchief. You put it down in your lap and looked at it. "Did you-feel anything?" Nancy asked, looking up at you. You continued to look down at your lap, "I felt, I felt a lot" you muttered, and then there was a trickle coming down your nose and there was a drop of blood on the handkerchief. Dustin, Lucas, and Max's mouth dropped, coming closer. You looked up and touched your nose and there was blood on the top of your fingers. Steve's eyes widened and you watched all of their expressions, "what?" You asked, wiping the blood on the handkerchief. "Ew" Eddie said scrunching his face up. Max looked around for an empty coke bottle, "y/n, come here" max said, you stood and came to the table where she was. "Can you..try to squeeze this bottle?" She said, you gave her a side look before taking your hand and-

INNOCENT ♥︎ EDDIE MUNSONUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum