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AFTER TALKING ABOUT THE WARZONE, you were all getting prepared- well eddie was, to steal an RV. You followed right behind your new lover through the trailer park and to the RV. He opened the window and went through it before giving you his hand and helping you enter the RV. Everyone else got in on their own, but since you were stealing it, you helped yourself to the food cabinet. "Woahhh" you smiled, there was a collection of popcorn, candy, and cereal. Steve brushed past you to talk to Eddie while you grabbed the bag of popcorn. All of a sudden the car started while you were trying to open the microwave, Eddie ran past you and everyone held onto something, while you clearly didn't hear Steve. So with the surprising turn "HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON!" yelled Steve, you were already too late, you were basically blasted against the table behind you making you groan out loud "Fuck Steve! Could you be anymore wild?!" You asked, rubbing your lower back before of course, he turned wildly again, making you fall forward and smack your head against the microwave. "ugh! I think my nose bleeding!" You yelled out, touching your nose, seeing red. Once you all started to ride smoothly, you put a paper towel up your single nostril while waiting for the popcorn to finish.

Eddie stood up and walked to you, leaning against the same counter you were at before he started laughing at you, you flipped him off and he grabbed your arm and pulled you infront of him, you sighed out and wrapped your arms around his waist and his circled around your shoulders, he pulled you in close, you looked up at him with your chin on his chest while he looked down at you. "Jesus" Dustin said, looking at you both then out the window. "I wish it was just us" Eddie muttered, you looked in his light brown, chocolate eyes. It was almost as if you gave him life and color. You never seen him like this before. You smiled, lifting your hand to play with his curls, "me too" "ya know-" Eddie sighed as he continued, "I never got to know your favorite color, or anything about you, well a little. But not as much as I want to" he said, "me either, actually. It's pretty weird that we just connect with each other like glue and paper" you laughed, smiling at him. The microwave finished, beeping out loud, you let go of him and he went and sat at the table, you grabbed your popcorn and sat next to him. He had his feet prompt up on the table and when you joined him he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, and as time flew, you got to new each other on a deeper level.

You and Eddie ended up falling asleep on each other, but was soon awakened by Steve's turning, making you fall out of the seat and on the floor, "Jesus Christ!" You groaned out again, he yelled a sorry while driving off. "What happened" you asked, scooting yourself to where your back is against the seat. "Lucas's old friends were there" "and they didn't look too kind either" Erica said, looking at Eddie. He wiped over his mouth, "well, can't wait till this gets over with" he did a sarcastic fake smile.

You all went to the hill to prepare, but since you had a pounding head ache AND a dislocated wrist, they decided it was better for you to stay inside and rest. After you woke, you stood, immediately looking through the cabinet for some real food before Eddie walked in, "hey babe" he smiled at you, watching as you grabbed frozen tater tots from the freezer.

"Babe? We didn't even put a label on it yet" you furrowed your eyebrows before laughing. He walked to the table and sat down before sighing, "I apologize, I just can't wait" he laughed. "Everyone's outside, but I couldn't help but wonder where my y/n is at" you smiled at him before looking at the window and outside.

"How long was I sleep for?" You asked, walking past Eddie, and looking outside, it was dark...too dark, and it was almost like it's raining ashes- "too long." you heard Eddie say...but this wasn't Eddie, his voice was deeper, cruel, almost unreal. Your hands shook as you dropped the frozen goods and your mouth became agape, silent tears falling from your eyes.

Everyone outside is dead. "Eddie?" You turned, but the wasnt eddie. It was Vecna, a loud scream left your lips and he stood, your body became hot as you ran to the back of the RV and opened the window. "You can't escape me," Vecna said, shutting the window. You tried opening it again, but it wouldn't budge, you kept trying to open it as he continued walking closer. You looked in terror, hot tears running down your face as you begged for the window to open, sobs leaving your lips before you closed your eyes, screaming louder and banging on the window hoping for it to break. His flesh made squelching sounds as he tilted his head towards you. "Don't try to run away from your fate. I just wanna talk to you" and with that he snapped his fingers, and he teleported you to the place you hated, and feared most as a child.

"This session is only gonna take longer if you don't speak, y/n" you were tied down to a chair, therapy, your eyebrows furrowed as this was a familiar room, but there was a old clock, chiming. You hate therapy. The nightmares you had when you were little. There was Ms. Thompson. White lady, hair in an updo bun, her flesh sagging, her eyes white and you could see her dark brown never ending sockets. "Why don't you speak, y/n?" Asked the cruel voice from behind you. You screamed out loud while tears ran down your cheeks, "dont have nightmares anymore? How about I give you one?" Vecna grabbed your shoulders, "tell everyone what you see" "PLEASE LET ME GO" you screamed, shaking, trying to get up from the chair "LET ME GO! IM SORRY! PLEASE- PLEASE"

Vecna lifted his arm up, his claws coming into your face and turning you into a trance.

Eddie smiled at walked away from Dustin after asking if the Sinclair's were doing fine, walking up to the RV he told Robin and Steve he had to go check on his lady. Causing both of them to laugh. He walked in, whistling for you. He turned the corner and found you standing in the back of the RV, Just standing there. "Y/n?" He asked, then he saw, your dull white eyes, "Y/N, WAKE UP" he ran, dropping the shield and started shaking you. Steve and robin furrowed their eyebrows before coming inside, causing everyone else to wonder what was the sudden jolt and came inside the RV, all shocked.

They just saw you standing there and Eddie shaking you aggressively, but you wouldn't budge. "Oh holy shit" Steve whispered, "HOLY SHIT!" he yelled, his hands on the sides of his face.

He teleported you again, but now you where standing there, infront of two dead bodies, Eddies, and Steve's. You were in Vecnas mind, the sky red, Eddie was beat so bad that you wouldn't even recognize him if it weren't for his hair and blood-washed hellfire shirt, and Steve was was still openly leaking from the bites the bats left him. tears ran down your cheeks as you silently reminded yourself that it isn't real, closing your eyes. "It isn't real yet" Vecna let out a chuckle, you couldn't move, or anything. You were just forced to stand there. "I'm gonna take everything you love away from you, Steve, Eddie, dustin" Vecna said, he walked up, picking up your hand. "Gonna take away these pretty hands from you, so you can never write again"

"WHATS HER FAVORITE SONG STEVE?" Dustin said, " uh uh uh uh uh," Steve thought out loud, looking around. "WE DONT HAVE TIME, THINK STEVE" max yelled. Steve took a deep breath, closing his eyes- "tears for fears," he said suddenly. "everybody wants to rule the world" Steve answered. Everyone hurried and looked through everything they could, cabinets, glove department, under the couch, anywhere. "Tears for fears, tears for fears tears for fears TEARS FOR FEARS!" Steve yelled, raising the tape. Eddie had hot tears running down his cheeks as he tried to talk to you, shaking you violently. "please wake up y/n, please. I need you, this can't  happen to me again, I feel like you're the only one who cares for me, I care for you to. Don't do this, don't leave, please don't leave me"he begged. But that wasn't any help when you started lifting. "FUCKING MOVE EDDIE, MOVE!" Steve yelled, pushing him off of you, he snatched the Kate bush out of Max's head phones and put the tape in. You started lifting and your back was against the roof of the RV.

"P-please don't do this to me" you looked at him in his empty eyes, he let out a hum before lifting his hand infront of your face. And suddenly, tears for fears started playing in the unknown red realm. Instead of focusing on him trying to take your life, you focused on the music. He tried his hardest to hurry and take your life, but it wasn't working. He put a confused and angered look on his face and his hand was psychically forced away from your face, and with no doubt you started running, it was like a white shimmer of shade that was so so far away, like heaven almost. You ran like your life depended on it,

Steve jumped to put the headphones on you, but you still had the same look, everyone waited on something. "She's gone" Eddie muttered, watching you basically get murdered infront of his eyes. He gave up. Sitting at the table. He couldn't bare to look at you. "Her bones haven't broke, she's fighting, she can do it. I know she can" Dustin said, looking at you.

You tripped over rocks, dodged things that were trying to fall down on you, but then, there was a huge rock behind you, coming after you, you ran faster, trying to outrun it, but it got you, holding onto you as it kept going further, you were knocked out unconscious.

Steve's mouth opened as your left leg started to raise, "Y/NNNNNN"

INNOCENT ♥︎ EDDIE MUNSONWhere stories live. Discover now