"Ow, ow! Something isn't right!"

For the first time, she screamed, she tries to pushes away from Dr. Murphy, inching back into the bed.

"Oaklee, I know it hurts but you can't stop pushing."

I can barely hear her talk. I feel like I'm underwater and all I can focus is on Oaklee's pain.

She wouldn't have screamed like that, not if there was something wrong.

The nurses in the room move to Oaklee but one warning glare from me had them backing away. They don't need to touch her, she doesn't like being touched by strangers.


Oaklee's body is tense with pain but she tries to relax as best she can.

"Okay, I see minor stretching but that's normal." Dr. Murphy reassures but Oaklee shakes her head.

"No, no. I can feel it." She mumbles. Her body is already tired.

"I can't see anything that isn't normal, Oaklee." Dr. Murphy tries but she shakes her head once again.

"Let's try again."




Oaklee's heart wrenching scream basically rattles my body. I've never been so scared than I am right now.

"I can't- I can't do this." She almost screams.

"Is there any way she can take a break?" I ask, standing up so she can see me better or maybe I'm trying to intimidate her, I'm not sure yet.

"No, I can see the head. If she stops now, there's no telling what her body would do." Dr. Murphy replies.

I sit down, grabbing her hand. "You hear that, she can see the head. You're almost done." I choose my words carefully, knowing full well that if I used 'we', she'd be pissed.




She yells, her face is red, so red it resembles a tomato. A vein probes her forehead, you would only see it if she was mad or screaming.

Her head falls back as she takes a deep breath. Her eyes flutter shut from exhaustion.

"One more big push."

"Listen, you can do this. It will be all over soon." I encourage, kissing her hand and temple.




Her body tenses as her nails dig into my skin, her jaw clenches so hard, I'm afraid that her teeth will shatter.

She screams once more before it's silent, the cries of a baby fill the room. Things move so quickly as a nurse unbuttons the top of Oaklee's gown as our baby lays on her bare chest, crying.

I stare at the baby on her chest, red and yellow skin with nasty, white goopy stuff on him, his red mouth open as he screams.

Even though you can barely see him, I do see that way he looks exactly like Oaklee. He has her pouty lips, her cheekbones, her nose.

I look at Oaklee as she already stares at me with tears falling down her face. She smiles at me and I smile back at her.

But it falls when her head sways and she falls limp on the bed. Her hand that was on top of him, fell limp by her side.

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