My protector **

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Papa leads us to the training room and starts to draw circles on the floor. "Today we are going to play a game, the rules of the game are quite simple. Stay in your circle, if you leave your circle, you lose. The last person standing in their circle, will get to spend and extra hour of free time in the rainbow room." As papa says that everyone looks so excited. Me and el on the other hand.. we're terrified

"Now, even though we are going to be competing against one another, two, six, I don't want you to approach this any differently than one of our tests, yeah?" Papa talks as Peter goes up to the kids and blindfolds them. "Now this is very important. If you allow anger or emotion to invade your thoughts you will fail, I promise." He says while walking to us and stares at me and el. I felt targeted.. but then again I don't blame him since I tried to murder two last time..

"Do you understand?" He says "yes papa" we all say "good" he says and walks away.

"Begin" he announces. Two throws six against the wall. "Very good two" papa says "number six please, take a seat by the door"  he says as six goes to sit down. Papa just kept on calling numbers as Peter kept covering all of their eyes.  No one has defeated two yet. Then it's twelves turn, that right there is when I start to worry. As I said previously, I see el and twelve as my little sibling's maybe even as my own children. Peter notices and puts his hand on my shoulder to calm me down I gave him an awkward smile and look back at twelve. I give him a thumbs up and he gave me a smile. I was panicking as soon as I saw twelve start to slide against the floor I was about to raise my hand till Peter hold it still, but he didn't even look at me once. Twelve didn't get hurt as bad so that brought me joy.

And with that it was elevens turn...

Eleven stepped up and Peter put the blindfold on her. "Begin" papa says.

There both pushing each other a little far from the circle. Two starts to lift up eleven, Peter was holding my hand to make sure I wouldn't interrupt, but do you really think I'm going to let him hurt el? Yea no.

I let go of peters hand and while two was about to throw el across the room I put my hand up and dropped el back down to the floor gently.

Papa turned around to look at me furious "I believe it wasn't your turn yet fifteen."
Papa says.

"But it looks like you want to go up so badly so why don't you come up" papa says.

I walk up and Peter follows behind me. I stand in front of two as Peter puts the blindfold on my eyes. "Good luck" Peter whispers in my ear as he goes stand next to the door.

"Begin" papa says.
I have a difficult time beating two, he's younger than me but he's honestly strong, then i remmber what Peter said. I started thinking of a memory that made me mad, I saw this lady in my head she had the same color hair as me, she was very pretty...I think she was my mom. I start remembering all the lies papa has told me, and with that I throw two against the mirror that's in the wall and I make all the glass shatter everywhere. Everyone got down covering their heads yelling. I was in front of the mirror(I still had the blindfold on) I felt someone tackle me.


Fifteen threw two against the mirror I saw the glass shatter, I quickly run to her and  throw her on the ground covering her body with mine and my hands on her head.  She then took off her blindfold, we stared at each other for a few seconds, two got up, took off his blindfold and started to stare at me and fifteen. I give him a look and he walks away. I quickly get up as papa turns and looks at us, I walk back to the door and stand behind papa.


"Well we'll, looks like we have a new winner"  papa says. I look behind papa to see Peter smiling at me, so I give him a smile. Papa then turn to look behind him and sees Peter smiling so Peter quickly looked up like if nothing happened.

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