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canada dry and a bathtub

My head felt like it was going to split in two. I couldn't tell whether it was from the booze or just my body being completely done with the shit I put it through. Every time I moved a part of my face it was throbbing, the pulse in my head making it worse.

I recall a time when I was younger, sitting in school. Crying because my head hurt so much I couldn't think. The substitute let me go to the nurse only to find out I had a fever.

Grasping the icy white tub edges, I nearly slipped on how smooth and slick the surface was. My shoes squeaking, sadly giving away my location. The bathroom was stark white, so white it made my eyes hurt. Paired with my headache, let's just say... it didn't help.

I managed to lean over the side of the tub, letting my blurred eyes focus on the white cut tile before me.

I could hardly remember a thing, anything up until this moment was a blank slate of confusion. I don't know who's bathroom I was in, it was quite nice.

I had leaned my head against the edge of the tub, letting a light sigh go as the cold emanating from it made the pain a bit more bearable.

Somehow I didn't hear the pair of footsteps from down the hall, but the door swinging open surely caught me off guard. I lifted up, only to fall back and hit my head against the shelf soap was placed in. I winced, holding my head and heard a light giggle through all the pain I was withstanding.

A soft, light hearted sound that made me feel more at home than I ever had before.

A hand went to the back of my head... and I could have sworn it was the touch of an angel. So delicate and cautious.

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