Solo and I suspiciously looked at each other. She could not be up to any good.

"Okay, you can come in now!"

She opened the door and ran down the stairs. She might just be weirder than Bey.

I walked in and put my mad face on before I closed the door. "Why have you been ignoring me?"

"You tricked me?"

"Fuck all that, why have you been ignoring me?" I sat down in her desk chair, I've grown to love it. 

She looked away and faced the wall. "I was scared."

"Scared of what?"

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what?" A lot happened that night, she's going to need to be more specific.

"Nothing, nevermind." She still wasn't looking at me.

I don't even like her enough to be doing this with her, I couldn't be doing this with anyone else.

I moved from the chair to her bed. "Do you want to choke you out?"

"Um no?"

"Okay, so tell me what the fuck your problem is." She might be bigger than me but that doesn't mean anything.

"I don't want to talk about it. I don't feel comfortable talking about it."

When she said she wasn't comfortable talking about it I knew why she was acting like this.

"Ohhh, this?" I poked her lap and she jumped.


"You've been ignoring me over that bullshit? I couldn't told you days ago that I don't give a fuck about that. Stupid ass."

"I'm sorry. It's just something I'm embarrassed about, I didn't want to have to explain myself or talk about it."

"Move." I pushed her leg and got into bed with her. "You don't have to explain shit to me, it's none of my business. I'm not judging you."

"Okay." She still didn't want to look in my eyes.

"I don't know much about dicks but I'll still fuck the shit out of you." She doesn't even know what I'd do to her.

"Thanks. I actually really appreciate that compliment this time."

"Please, you appreciate it every time."

Her phone started ringing and her eyes widened when she checked it. "It's my mama."

She put her finger over her lips to tell me to be quiet before answering. "Hey mama."

Her room is on the second floor so I'm not jumping out the window. I'll just have to hide under the bed if she walks in here.

"No, I didn't yet but I going to. ...Or now works too, yeah. I'll go do it right now, bye. Love you." She hung up the phone and rolled her eyes.

"Farm stuff?"

"Yeah, wanna come?"

"Sure, why not?" Farm shit might be fun.

"Can you get our for a second so I can get dressed?"

She had a shirt on so that means she didn't have pants on. I lifted the blanket up and she was in boxers.

I gasped, "Now Bey!"

"What?" When I gasped, I scared her.

"I know you weren't in here choking your chicken?"

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