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As the bell above the door to the shop tinkled, you looked up with a wince from your paperwork. You'd forgotten to lock the door and now someone had ignored the posted hours to wander in. Straightening, you called out as you moved from behind the counter.

"I'm sorry, but we are closed."

Clint came around the corner of a shelf with his hands in his pockets. "That's okay, I'm not here to shop. Locked the door behind me when I walked in."

"Great," you said as you settled back down to finish your paperwork. After a few minutes, you muttered under your breath as you focused on the problem you noticed just before Clint walked in. So focused on it, you forgot Clint was even there.

"Long day?"

Your eyes flicked up to find him leaning casually on his elbows across the counter from you. Sighing, you shook your head. "There's something not adding up here, with the numbers, but my brain is too fried to figure it out right now."

"Sexual frustration getting in the way?"

You rolled your eyes as you stood up, deciding to figure it out tomorrow when you weren't so tired. "Fuck off."

He clucked his tongue and said, "So, that's a yes, then?"

"Why are you here instead of annoying someone else again?" You asked as you came around the counter with your coat on.

"Aren't you just a bucket of sunshine today?" Clint shot back.

He wasn't wrong about feeling frustrated. The mission that Steve and Bucky were on had lasted nearly a week now and you missed them both. He followed you out, waiting as you locked the store up before he turned towards where he had parked.

You had agreed when Steve asked you to let Clint take you to and from work. You didn't enjoy driving in the city in the first place, and it wasn't like you could just walk to and from work like you used to. And public transport was as unfavorable to you as driving was. Plus, if it gave your men peace of mind knowing someone was watching over you, you would let it happen. Especially if it was someone as easy to get along with as Clint was.

"Alright, let's try that again. This time, maybe try to stand square to it?" Clint said as he handed you the darts.

"How can I stand square when I'm a human, not a 2D shape?" You asked, biting your lip to contain your laughter when he just rolled his eyes at you. He snatched the darts out of your hand and took a stance to show you how it was done.

Pursing your lips, you nodded sagely, attempted to imitate it, and ended up sticking the first dart you threw into the ceiling. As you collapsed into a fit of giggles, Clint stared up at it and shook his head.

"How did you even manage that ?"

"I don't think darts is my game, Clint." You said as you got your giggles under control and handed him the other darts when he came back.

"Yea, I think you are utterly hopeless. Why don't I take you home before you embarrass me further?" Clint tossed the darts in quick succession; each of them hitting the bullseye even though he had been looking at you the whole time.

"Show-off." You teased as you grabbed your coat and led the way out of the bar with Clint on your heels.

On the sidewalk you asked, "How's the wife and kids, anyway?"

"They are good. Miss 'em like crazy." Clint answered as you walked.

You stopped and turned to look at him when you reached his jeep. "How do you even do it? Be away from them for such long periods?"

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