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Bucky jolted up with a gasp, adrenaline pouring into him from the nightmare. Tearing the sheet off and swinging his legs to the floor, he scrubbed his hands over his face and into his hair. There was no sleeping now, not with how wound up he was. So, he'd hit the gym and burn off the adrenaline with a brutal workout.

He was almost to the door when he remembered where he was. Bucky was staying at your place while Steve was on a mission. Which meant no gym. Groaning, he leaned his forehead against the door. This wasn't what he needed right now.

Yanking the door open, he stalked out of the guest room and headed to the kitchen for water. He stopped dead when he saw you sitting on the couch. You were reading, your back resting against the arm of the couch, the only light in the room coming in from the windows and a small dim lamp on the end table behind you.

A floorboard creaked under him and your head jerked up with a gasp, "Shit! Bucky. God, you scared me."

"Why are you out here reading?"

"Couldn't sleep. I don't like reading in bed."

He moved over to the couch, sitting down and angling his body towards yours. Concern flickered in your eyes as you focused on his face, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Bucky said dismissively, even though his body still felt like a tightly wound spring that was threatening to snap at any moment.

You shifted closer to him, your eyes studying his face as you said, "No, you aren't Bucky. C'mon, what's wrong?"

"Doll, I'm fine," Bucky repeated, searching for a change of topic. His eyes landed on your book and he asked, "Tell me what you're reading."

"It's uh..." Bucky's eyebrows lifted when he saw the way your face flushed and your eyes skittered away from his. Before you could tuck the book out of sight, he snagged it out of your hands.

"Hey! Wait..." he leaned back from you and flipped through several pages. Smirking when he read part of a very explicit passage. He tsked as he looked back at you, "Hm. This seems like quite the naughty book you are reading here, doll."

You scrambled to your knees and leaned towards him, trying to reach the book he was still holding just out of your reach. When your body brushed against his, a primal need flooded through him. Reacting to it instantly, he yanked your body hard against his, crushing his mouth to yours. He dropped the book to the floor and buried his fingers in your hair to hold your head in place as he shoved his tongue into your mouth. You made a sound that was caught between a groan and a gasp and it only spurred him on.

Racing his mouth across your jaw, he tugged the robe you were wearing open and let out a low groan when he found you blissfully naked under it. He pushed you back against the cushions, pulling your body under his as he fit himself between your legs. The fabric of the sleep pants he was wearing dragged against your center as he rocked his hips slowly against yours. Lust hazed your mind as Bucky dropped his mouth to one of your breasts, sucking and nibbling at your skin.

Heat started to coil inside of you, and part of your brain registered that you should stop things before they continued. As he switched from one breast to the other, he continued to rut against you, pushing you closer and closer to the edge.

"Bucky, wait..."

"No. Need you," he growled the words out as he captured your hands in one of his and pulled your arms above your head and pinned them against the cushion. He brought his lips back to yours, reveling in the little sounds you were making as your hands pushed weakly against his shoulders for a moment. Then your mind shut off completely. The animal that had woken inside him practically purred as he felt you give in, one of your legs wrapping around his waist and your fingers diving into his hair as you moaned into his mouth.

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