Chapter |01

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"Ms Potts, would you be kind enough to get the information from where this bouquet of flowers is?"

The young woman gave her boss a bewildered look. He'd never expressed his fondness for a bouquet of flowers before. What has changed now? The woman just nodded her head in reply.

Giving her a curt nod, the young man walked towards his desk, where plenty of event sketches were thrown carelessly. Organising a party or wedding can be easy when the client is a stranger, but it is terrible if the same client happens to be your cousin and his fiancé.

He couldn't understand what was special about that bouquet of flowers. His sister-in-law could really look into the plethora of other websites he'd suggested to her. But no, she was sure as stubborn as his cousin.

Groaning, he looked into the plans on how to set up the decor for the wedding. Putting on his spectacles, he started making some rough sketches of the set-up so that he could show the same to the couple.

Heinz Tarrington was the best wedding planner/ party planner in his city.

He loved arranging the decor, just to see a smile on others' faces. It was started long ago by his mother when he was really young. When he asked her why she chose event planning as her career, his mother's reply made him smile.

"Seeing other people smile will make you happy, but when you know that you're the reason behind their happiness, you'll feel elated."

And that's what he was feeling until he decided to plan his cousin, Damien Tarrington's wedding.

"Still brooding over the bouquet of flowers, brother?"

Heinz raised his head, with a frown on his face. His younger brother, Arlo, and the soon-to-be groom, Damien, walked through his office doors. A genuine smile broke into his lips on seeing them. Being a group of three, they had always stuck together for each other. Whatever the situation might be, whether helping Arlo escape from a creepy woman or taking a drunk Heinz home, it was always these three. Damien was the quietest of these three, as he played the role of mediator between the two siblings, and also never got into trouble. He was the good boy in the family.

"I thought Nadia had already selected her bridal bouquet?" Damien asked, sitting on the chair opposite Heinz.

"No, she didn't," grumbled Heinz in distaste. "Apparently, she had asked to book them from some Instagram page that she'd come across." Heinz replied, removing his specs.

"She really does test your patience, mate," Arlo snickered whilst playing with the paperweight.

"I know," Heinz groaned, making the other two young men laugh at his misery. "Laugh all you want. Damien's wedding is going to be the first and last wedding I'm going to plan for the family. I'm done with them."

"Aww, you poor guy," cooed Damien to his cousin. "If you can't handle Nadia, how are you going to handle your woman when you meet her?"

"Oh, I'm not planning to meet one."

"Oh," both Arlo and Damien parroted. "Let's see."

"Yeah, let's see." Heinz replied.

"Mr Tarrington," All the three males turned to look at Heinz's personal assistant, Ms Potts, standing near the threshold with a small smile. "I've emailed you about the owner and telephone number of the bouquet maker. Also, it's the same person from whom we ordered our two previous bridal bouquets."

"Really?" Heinz asked in surprise. "How didn't I know about this?"

"Because I handled the bridal bouquets for the last two clients," Ms Potts smiled at Heinz. "And yes, they loved it. And that's why your sister-in-law has her eyes on them." Ms Potts exclaimed, making Heinz roll his eyes, yet a small smile played on his lips.

"So it's you who started this whole mishap, Brittany?" Damien asked her.

"I wouldn't call that a mishap, Damien," Brittany winked at him. "I would rather call it a charm. I don't know about others, but for me it brings luck."

"How?" Arlo questioned her with a frown.

"Umm... How do I say it?" Brittany walked into Heinz's room after asking him for permission. "When I booked it for our client Rosie, two days after the wedding, I met my boyfriend." She replied with a shy smile, making the three young men smile at her.

"You saw him at the wedding, Brits," Heinz replied with an eye roll, causing the other three to glare at him. "What?" he exclaimed, "I'm saying the truth."

Giving his older brother the stink eyes, Arlo shushed him.

"Then," Damien urged for Brittany to continue.

"And for the second time, when I ordered the bouquet, I got engaged," Brittany shrieked, making the guys jump in their place. "See, see," she forwarded her left hand to the men for them to take a closer look at her ring.

"That's a good ring, you've got Brits," Arlo whistled and winked at her, playing with the pen of the tablet this time. "Maybe this time I'll find a girlfriend for myself or Heinz will."

"Oh yes," Damien and Brittany cheered, only for Heinz to roll his eyes.

Heinz replied, "Not gonna happen," causing the other three to groan. "This charm might work on Brittany or Arlo, but not me."

"No, you'll find one this time," Arlo replied confidently.

"Yeah whatever," he dismissed the thoughts about it. However, he liked the thought of having a girlfriend for a change. He also wanted to feel what it was like to spend some time with another person, talk to them, shower his girlfriend with gifts, and give her the wedding she deserved.

Shaking his head the thoughts, he looked at the people in front of him who were rather looking at him curiously.

"Thank you, Ms Potts," Heinz replied with a faux smile. "How about you ask for more ideas from the groom and the groomsman here whilst I make a call to this person?"

The young woman laughed at the reaction of the other two men. "Sure, Heinz," she replied. "Come on guys why don't we sit in my cabin and play ludo for a while?"

The other two men cheered and followed Brittany to her cabin. "I want the work to be done Ms Potts," Heinz yelled after them.

"It'll be done, boss," Brittany replied with a wink. "How about you talk with the owner while I handle those two overgrown kids of yours."

Heinz chuckled, hearing his assistant's words. "Thank you, Brits."

"You're welcome."

Heinz drummed his fingers on his sleek and dark mahogany table, waiting for the call to be answered. It was the third time he was calling the owner of 'Breath of Flowers' who still hadn't answered his calls.

"If they don't answer the call, Nadia can forget about the bouquets from here," Heinz mumbled to himself. He was about to cut the call, and the person speaking from the other side spoke heavily.


Don't stop here!
Scroll down to read Chapter |02.

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