Chapter 7

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Waking up, feeling a little groggy. My body ached, all over. Stretching out fully in the bed. Catching myself, realizing I was in a king size bed. Of pure pink silk. . . Pushing myself  up, to a sitting position. The room I was in was so pretty. It was a big bed. But the room, was filled with porcelain baby dolls, little horses, a few stuffed animals, and a lot of books. There was even a much smaller bed, near mine. But nothing was in it. . .  Tilting my head, thinking that was kind of odd. Lifting the covers, and crawling out. To get a better look.

“ where did these come from? “ - looking at the light pink night gown, that I now had on. I wasn’t use to wearing something like this. It was so fancy, and shiny. 

Some pictures were on the walls. Wrapping my hands around myself. Seeing that who ever stayed in this room. Must have been really loved. In one there was a father with his daughters. One daughter on each side of him, with one on his lap. * smiling thinking and wishing that was me. My childhood was never this happy. * In other pictures, there was these 3 girls. I’m thinking was sisters. One making a blowfish face, another standing with her arms folded ( looking like she was going to get some one ), and with the last one she was sitting down playing with the flowers. My heart warmed at the thought, of who they could be. Breathing out deeply, I went back over to the bed, sitting down. There wasn’t much I could do. This was a peaceful place, with in this room. I covered back up with the blankets. As I was about to lay my head back down. I noticed there was one more picture, on my night stand ( near the bed ). I leaned over to get a closer look.

“ It couldn’t be… “ - grabbing the picture frame. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. This woman had long black has night hair, with dark blue eyes. The features on her face. Showed that she was very loved. There was more laugh lines, than tear lines. She was holding onto a little girl. That looked just like her. If they was the same age. I would have said they was twins.

“ That has to be me, because that is my mother. . . Then that means the other pictures. Are of my sisters and father. . . “ - I let the last word trail off. As a knock on the door, had me froze on the spot.

“ Rena… Are you up sis? It’s me Kaya. “ - she said slowly poking her head thru the door crack.

“ Uuumm… Yes.. I’m up. “ - trying to place the frame back on the night stand.

She came in holding a tray of food. “ I figured since you slept most of the night and day. You may be hungry. So I brought this, for you. “ - placing the tray on the night stand.

The smell was over whelming. I heard my stomach make a sound, as if it was completely empty. I grabbed the small bowl of grits, with a piece of toast.

“ I put a little butter, and honey in it. That’s the way you use to like it. I wasn’t for sure, if you still did. “ - giggling as she watched me. “ I’m guessing you like? “

All I could do was shack my head up and down. Saying, “ Mmmmhmmmm…. Good. “

“ Well sis, eat all you want. No one but you, eats it like that. “

Finishing off my grits and toast. “ Why not? I felt like I haven’t had that in a long time. But it’s good none the less. “

Kaya took my empty bowl, placing it back on the tray. “ Yea, yea. I wanted to make sure you was alright. “ - looking back at me, as she sat beside me.

“ I guess I’m ok. . . Who’s room am I in? and who’s night gown do I have on. “ - pointing around the room, and fixing the short sleeve of my attire.

“ This room Rena, was once yours. * chuckled * The dress was also yours. Along with all your other clothes, in the closet. “ - smiled nodding her head, towards the other set of double doors.

“ Really? “ - quickly jumped out the bed, laughing. Went to the doors, opening it. My eyes got big as the sun. it was freaking big as hell. Dresses upon dresses, heels and boots every where.

Kaya stood walking to her. “ Go ahead and grab something to wear and get dressed. Father wants to speak with you. “ - kissed my forehead, has she left.

It was like every girls dream ( at least I think so ), to have a closet like this. I picked a dark blue dress, with black knee high boots. After taking a bath, in the acre sized bathroom. I quickly got dressed. Went to look at myself in the mirror. Making sure it was all just right. It was missing something. I looked on the counter, seeing a box with a note on it. I picked the note up, it said:


My dearest daughter Rena,

This was your mothers. I thought you would like to have it. It may match your dress. We will be in the library, when you are ready.

                                   With warm love, Father


I smiled as I opened the small box. Seeing that it was the biggest blue diamond, I had ever seen. I feared my eyes were going to start watering again. But I held them back. I took the necklace and placed it over my head. Now wearing it. What was he kidding, it did go with my dress. Twirling around one good time. Before heading out the door. I walked down the hall way. Looking at the place. Pictures were all over the walls. Of people, that I couldn’t recall. I heard voices coming from around the corner. Rubbing my arms. It sounded good hearing laughter. That’s something I never really heard, at the old home ( with Avalon ).

Blood with in her Red Eyes!!!  (( Part 1: Completed!!! ))Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt